Example sentences of "[noun sg] i be [verb] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 On a recent Kilroy programme I was asked to represent the views of working mothers in both my professional capacity as editor of SHE and personal capacity as mother of four-year-old Thomas .
2 Er , President I 'm going to say the time factor and I 'll try to be as brief as possible .
3 The antiracism I am criticizing trivializes the struggle against racism and isolates it from other political antagonisms — from the contradiction between capital and labour , from the battle between men and women .
4 In return I was trying to grasp the basics of Swedish , whose inflexions and vocabulary I found hard to manage .
5 There was the occasion I was sent to report the speech day at West Bank School , a private school , in Bideford .
6 You do n't think for one minute I 'm going to eat the filth I give to you ?
7 Moderator I 'm going to ask the general assembly to turn their mind to quite a different subject now .
8 When I asked where I should send the woman I was told to contact the neurosurgical bed manager , who would tell me which ward to send her to .
9 Now if I am a good reporter , in a sense I 'm going to let the original question flow past me as a starter , I may use it , I may not use it .
10 Really I reckon there 's something wrong , convinced of it , oh it runs alright once it 's moving it 's just such an awkward driver that 's all I was glad to get out of the thing I was did knock the bloody er whatsit down , buses knock the er
11 Last year was the centenary of the Borough Charters , so on the one hand I was trying to restore the traditions of the thing — erm we tried to reintroduce some of the pomp and ceremonial — and then on the other hand I felt that the mayoralty often did n't seem terribly relevant to people of my generation , and so I tried to involve a lot of young people in various activities and the offshoot of that has been a Youth Advisory Committee which I 've set up , which at the moment is in the process of trying to negotiate with the County Council for some premises to try and increase the sort of Youth Club type evening provision in the town .
12 So on the one hand I was trying to restore the traditions of the thing .
13 In the end I was forced to climb the choirscreen with its curtained box seats , up over the castellated organ loft , like some human fly , and down the other side using the encrustations and statuettes as toeholds .
14 There was no way I was going to sell the little guy out .
15 As I approached it I reached out my talons to land and perhaps the prey I was holding obscured the view for I should have seen sooner what had been put on top of the post by Men .
16 I went for an audition and they told me to come back in six months time I was determined to get the part so I practised day and night to be him . ’
17 For once I knew where to get at him and this time I was going to have the matter out with him .
18 In fact I was asked to chair the meeting .
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