Example sentences of "[noun sg] in [art] [noun] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 As it happened the new ramp section was only just rescued from a bulldozer in the nick of time as the skate scene said a final goodbye to Andover skatepark .
2 But a different rule in the computation of time may prevail in Scotland : Lord President Inglis in Ashley and Others v. The Magistrates of Rothesay ( 1873 ) 11 M. 708 .
3 And so that will have its effect in the fullness of time .
4 Obviously the decrease in the amount of time spent with the first-born will have an effect but many parents are aware of this and make a great effort to give attention to the older child .
5 Later he would spit venom at Band Aid in an interview with Time Out 's Simon Garfield .
6 She 'd gone only a short way when some sixth sense brought her to a halt in the nick of time .
7 For Flegel ‘ historical time is merely the reflection in the continuity of time of the internal essence of the historical totality incarnating a moment of the development of the concept ’ ( 93 ) .
8 However , he added , like all ministers , the Chancellor would be moving to a more environment-friendly machine in the fullness of time .
9 First , Clary did appear without make-up in a photograph in Time Out a few years ago .
10 Patience , she counselled herself , and turned the chicken in the nick of time .
11 Our language arises automatically from our ability to perceive our place in a world of time and space and — most importantly — to consider the implications of particular actions , that is , the faculties of foresight and discrimination .
12 For there would be some temporal duration represented by each revolution of the wheel and a certain number of these revolutions would still take place in the interval of time we call a day , even though the motion of the sun had ceased .
13 Although every parent has the right in the fullness of time to decide whether he or she feels they can cope with their child , they can not be placed in a position of absolute power over its life if they have an extremely misleading impression of the form that that child 's life might take .
14 While there was such a difference in the length of time it took to acquire qualifications , many working class youngsters who had achieved good grades in the sixth form tended to view a course in teacher training as marking the limit of their ambitions .
15 Yeah but there 's not a lot of difference in the amount of time is there ?
16 Thus it was , that at some momentous point in the immensity of time there came into being three initial units which can be taken as the true beginning of the story of earthly life .
17 ABOVE : Ben Weaver hooked this 19 lb 2 oz specimen in the nick of time — a few moments later gale force winds made fishing impossible .
18 Some small groups within lineages might build a shrine at the burial place of a revered grandfather , call him sidi ( lord ) , and visit the shrine in a group from time to time .
19 If pre-marital conceptions are eliminated from the calculation , the social class gradient in the duration of time from marriage to first birth is only half as steep as before , from forty-five months in social class I to twenty-four months in class V. In these respects , as in many others , there seems to be a sharp difference between the behaviour of social class V and the rest of the population .
20 Erm and I 'm responsible really for the historical side of the business , not only the all for all the furnishings and erm that kind of thing and refurbishing the house , but also for its future as we hope a living history event in the fullness of time .
21 He advanced to the Seine , slipped across it at Poissy and , with Philip 's army hard on his heels , he crossed the Somme at Blanche-Taque by a ford which was revealed to the king in the nick of time , possibly by a prisoner to whom Edward offered enough money to buy the vital information .
22 The critical question was : Why has life undergone this progressive development in the course of time ?
23 The great majority of the trends identified in the original reports — particularly the rise in men 's domestic work and the steeper rise in the amount of time women are spending in formal work — were confirmed .
24 Moreover , this distinctive structural location has been remarkably resilient to change and it is commonly argued that schooling plays a big part in the reproduction over time of the position of black people in British society .
25 The inevitable reduction in the amount of time likely to be given to singing challenges the Church to remedy this deficiency .
26 One factor for a changed experience of a site is a basic change in the experience of time .
27 The records of these boards show great variety in the length of time taken to reach agreements , the disparity in offers and counteroffers and the flow of information to be traced in detail .
28 Charles behaved rather like a landlord who could take a long view of the future and expect his possessions to provide him with an income in the fullness of time .
29 There is greater demand in every school for time , space , and equipment .
30 In England , belief in the uniformity of time was greatly influenced by the Puritans in their strong opposition to the practices of the Roman Church , in particular to the idea of special days in the ecclesiastical calendar .
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