Example sentences of "[noun sg] and it be [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For several years that basic idea of using a flight simulator kept coming up in my mind and it was in 1974 , after I had attended the meeting of the Accident Investigation Division of ICAO in Montreal , that I was discussing this same problem with Bernard Caiger of the Canadian National Research Council .
2 and like , we were just flicking through Ceefax on the telly and it was like one of these luxury six berth ones and it was ninety nine quid for a week and , and
3 But they had made her feel restless with their talk and it was in that mood that she 'd let the landlord get close to her by the open landing window as he was bringing up some more beer .
4 A woman 's number was at the bottom of the Time Out piece and it was with some feelings of fear that I decided to ring it , not knowing who or what I would find .
5 In order to prevent a drain of young English cricketers to South Africa during the winter , the TCCB has to provide a suitably well-rewarded alternative and it is in this area that Subba Row 's successor will need to shine .
6 As you can see , sir , this lady is quite a redoubtable lady and it was with great difficulty that we persuaded her to await the outcome of this enquiry before insisting on seeing you personally , sir . ’
7 He then sends an inspector to our museum and it is upon this inspector 's report that it is decided whether we are successful in our application .
8 There she discovered a derelict funfair and it is from these experiences that the group of the most brightly coloured paintings , originates .
9 Long years later , he ended up in a workhouse and it was from that vantage point that he ‘ launched his attack upon the world of letters . ’
10 Lovers of freedom throughout the world looked to this vision with hope and it is with profound sadness that they see the vision momentarily dimmed , and with this dimming has come a confusion of purpose and a sense of despair that was never known before in America .
11 The service power to view panelled view was that the three point nine million pounds was effectively a minimum exceptionable level and it was within this figure they required the one point six million on minor works and footways to be increased to two million pounds for nineteen ninety three ninety four , section three concludes that it will not be appropriate to attempt to finance these extra loan charges on a continuing basis on the fixed revenue budget , as they would each year and on an accum accumulative basis consume some three hundred and fifty thousand pounds .
12 Of course , none of the work carried out by Amnesty could continue without money and it is in this respect that sections , particularly the larger sections like the British , have a vital role to play .
13 That 's the overall and rather special context of this year in , in the year of the youth but every year is an important from the point of view of commodores and clubs and the amount of work that ac goes on on the ground through supporting causes and the effort to recruit membership and it 's in that rather mundane day to day part of R Y A membership that I would like to congratulate you first I think all of you have worked extremely hard and the reports reflect the success achieved and I would particularly highlight the increase in membership , now that obviously has n't been easy and this does require a huge effort of , a consistent effort and it 's not something you can just apply every now and again .
14 It was n't only the seeds of oats ; the cornfields usually contained quantities of weeds like chickweed , spurrey and charlock and it was on all these that the skylarks , twite and rock doves fattened up for the coming winter .
15 For each of these divisions we would find inequalities of outcome and it is in this sense that one can assert that we have failed to achieve equality of opportunity in England .
16 The climatic conditions of Scotland and parts of Cumbria and Northumbria are particularly suitable for the production of healthy high quality seed potatoes required for the following year 's crop and it is in these areas that most of the seed potatoes are grown .
17 That itself is some forty million pounds below the association of Welsh counties assessment of what is actually needed to meet the needs of the community and it is in any event not available for general spending .
18 As I am satisfied that the judge applied an incorrect test to the foster mother 's application , and was also deprived of material necessary for the proper exercise of his discretion , it follows that we are free to exercise our own discretion and it is to that question that I now turn .
19 If there is an existing pipe organ and it is of good quality , it may prove to be more economical in the long run to restore rather than replace it .
20 I had a busy day and it was after six o'clock before I got round to The Laurels .
21 Market research had suggested that there was a role for viewdata in education and it was with this project that Solihull Sixth Form College ( SSFC ) became involved .
22 In many ways the development of Apple Computer symbolises the development of the industry as a whole and it is with specific reference to Apple Computer Inc that David King attempts in this paper to put the micro into its true context .
23 He helped form the midweek walkers ' club for retired friends who shared his love of walking and it was after one of their regular meetings that he died .
24 It 's a two part mystery and it was on last week and it 's on this week .
25 I never realised Chris owed me a fiver for me wage and I says to him I had to pay me bill for me food for week and it was like six quid .
26 That 's what H M I P did they got further information from British Coal they met er on Friday er with their colleagues at the National Rivers Authority and it 's from that greater understanding of the application that H M I P have now said that they are prepared to withdraw their objection subject to the imposition of the conditions at the N R A request .
27 Section fifty four A makes your local plan structure plans extremely important governors on what happens on the ground and it 's for that underlying reason that we find E two unjustified and reasonably repressive and an unreasonable extension of constraint by the county on the freedom of districts in their local plans to choose the geography of their of land allocations .
28 The second half of the 18th century began to see some big changes in the parish and it is from this period , which was one of expansion and moderate prosperity , that the present houses and buildings begin to date .
29 Er Brian has already confirmed that er he will support the Conservative resolution which in effect recognises that some of the changes in government regulation over the past er decade has not always turned out for the best er this County in particular order er other asked the Secretary of State to re to relieve some of the pressures that generates in that area and it 's for that reason er
30 We English have an important advantage over foreigners in this respect and it is for this reason that when you think of a great butler , he is bound , almost by definition , to be an Englishman .
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