Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [noun pl] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The National Hunting Club , Masters of Hounds Association and others joined the British Field Sports Society to form the Campaign for Hunting .
2 If he wanted to , he could be a real show-off : ‘ My Own Private Catastrophe ’ is pure restraint , feedback and harmonics adding a peculiar tension to the track , whereas the apocalyptic ‘ Sever ’ has him seeming to invent a new ‘ Semtex ’ effects pedal .
3 The sections of the report dealing with interim reporting and measures to enhance the perceived effectiveness of auditing have received more favourable comment .
4 Both the seat and pedals have a wide range of adjustment for reach .
5 The study of " kinship " really does lie at the very heart of social anthropology and anthropologists argue a great deal among themselves about just what the word is supposed to mean .
6 Elsaghier and colleagues explored a possible role for M paratuberculosis in the pathogenesis of Crohn 's disease .
7 Trehub and Abramovitch ( 1978 ) showed that three- and four-year-olds exhibited a similar preference when simply asked to choose between two piles of different sizes : they preferred the larger one .
8 The US now includes an estimated 1.25 million carriers of hepatitis B , whose blood and tissues represent a significant danger to all health care workers , probably more than does HIV .
9 Even when women take paid employment , they still do the bulk of the domestic work and men take the important decisions .
10 It requires planning , skill and tactics to create a winning side and if the individual players do not fit into the maze , if they can not work within a cohesive unit , then success will elude the whole team .
11 Other characteristics of class have been noted : disproportionate recruitment into the bureaucracy from the offspring of bureaucrats ; a distinctive subculture by monopolization of access to Western education ; the relative wealth and privileges separating the bureaucratic stratum from the rest of society , and control of the means of repression to maintain the bureaucracy 's dominance .
12 Kepler considers the orbit of Mars in the context of differentiating between three competing models of the world system : the Copernican ( in which all the planets — earth included — orbit the sun ) , the Ptolemaic ( in which sun and planets orbit a stationary earth ) , and the alternative geostatic system of Tycho Brahe ( see Fig .
13 As chapter 11 is so bad for senior creditors , management and shareholders have a big advantage .
14 Between the two extremities , all is fair to look upon , serene and peaceful ; copses of birch and alder and pines adorn the rocky heights alongside and the water 's edge with occasional open views to the mountains bordering the far shore , along which the old track from Poolewe to Kinlochewe ran through the private estate of Letterewe .
15 Contemporaries in sport and coaches exert the main influences and the family 's role in the sports process is redundant .
16 Defence now takes up half the frequency spectrum , with broadcasting and telecommunications using a large slice .
17 All major studies agree that the parental marriage and relationships between child and parents have an immense effect on the sexual and marital relationships of the next generation .
18 Very few took the position of Ada Nield Chew , who saw clearly how the position of working wives was complicated by their reproductive function , and who believed that women 's sole responsibility for home and children represented the chief impediment to self-fulfilment .
19 This brought forth the usual gales of laughter and requests to pull the other one , stop having them on , etc .
20 His dark hair and eyes made a good foil for Breeze , whose skin was very fair , and whose short brown curls gleamed like raw silk in the strong morning sunshine .
21 As part of this process , education was expected to play a crucial role in changing attitudes , not simply in creating national unity and skills to improve the national economy .
22 This eventually drew him into the company of Frederick Denison Maurice [ q.v. ] and the band of young men who surrounded him , and the combination of their enthusiasm and insights produced the Christian Socialist movement of 1848 to 1854 .
23 Lothian SWD is to join forces with the education department , health board and police to commission a five-month research study into the use of drugs .
24 In the 1970s and 1980s Milan had changed again , in an equally remarkable fashion , passing early into the age of electronics and computers to become the undoubted economic capital of Italy .
25 A transverse epigastric incision was made through skin and muscles sparing the pigastric arteries .
26 The reason is , I think , partly that in this particular society men rule the roost and women have a low status and few rights they can directly exercise .
27 ‘ Crash ’ went a brick through the window of a nearby television shop and things took a new , but not entirely unexpected , turn for the worse .
28 For many business customers the collection and processing of cash and cheques remain a fundamental corner-stone of their activities , despite the rapid advance in the use of credit cards and electronic payments .
29 Reza Khan joined forces with a civilian , Sayyed Zia as-Din , to mount a coup and ti impose a new government on the weak Qajar leadership .
30 Whatever the shape of your kitchen , it is worth giving some attention to the decoration and accessories to create a distinctive style .
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