Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [prep] the [num ord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Halifax battered Scarborough for ten minutes after half-time and from the third of a series of corners , Dave Evans rattled a shot against the crossbar .
2 On seventeenth of August nineteen sixty seven object of defeating the option and having discovered through the result of his solicitors that the option had not been registered , sold and been paid the farm five hundred pounds and after the sale by registering the option under the land chartered act and on the sixth of October nineteen sixty seventeen could have exercised the option and neither or his wife complied with the notice and on March twenty eighth nineteen sixty eight wife died and on the twenty seventh of January nineteen seventy commenced proceedings against his father against his mother 's executors the declaration of the option was .
3 The important point emerges from the fact that in the first and third sentences we are dealing with a certain kind of disparity and in the second with the possibility of a disparity ( albeit one that is denied ) .
4 So during the First World War and in the Second for severe burn cases they use er used Lavender mm if they did n't have any drugs of any kind .
5 Here one can run one 's hands through the limpid water , at one moment in the Brigach and at the next in the Danube .
6 Fama and MacBeth also found that the intercept ( ) was significantly different from the risk free rate for the entire period and for the first of the sub-periods , which tends to lend support to the zero-beta version of the CAPM rather than the risk-free rate variant .
7 On the contrary he was assured , by Mr Bloch in person and by the first of the letters dated 19 October 1984 that Twogates were not in any way challenging his right to remain in occupation of the premises … under the provisions of his existing underlease .
8 Dave Robson La Ronde Gulbenkian Studio Theatre , Newcastle ARTHUR Schnitzler 's Reigen is perhaps best known under its French title and as the first of two film versions , made by Max Ophuls in 1950 , is remembered as the quintessence of Viennese elegance .
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