Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [vb base] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The flying club and bar offers a friendly greeting and place to pay the small landing fee .
2 What we are left with is a disagreeable story tinged with Joe Orton 's misogyny and urge to puncture the frail facade of petit bourgeois respectability .
3 For example : students hear only half of the dialogue on tape and have to supply the missing lines ; students take notes and then give an account of what happened ; students act out what happened from memory ; students answer questions about the dialogue .
4 Roll out half the marzipan ( about 350g/12oz ) to a large circle on a surface dusted with icing sugar or cornflour and use to cover the round cake .
5 The very best product to smooth the cuticle and help mend the split ends is Pure Gloss .
6 An ancient telephone : Goans take pride in their inheritance and have preserved the unlikeliest of treasures
7 It is essential that alternative accommodation should be very varied in type and support to give the greatest degree of independence to patients commensurate with their disabilities and to enable adjustments to be made in small steps .
8 We have discussed the matter of planning conditions with Clwyd County Council and have examined the latest draft ( dated 26th June 1992 ) of these conditions prepared by the council 's officers .
9 In Russia , any attempt to refuse this right would immediately aid the bourgeoisie of each nationality and tend to push the local working class into its arms .
10 Those opposed to the hunt have pledged to continue campaigning for a ban and have accused the central committee of fudging the issue .
11 Misreading the clues , they head off in completely the wrong direction and manage to become the first people ever to get shipwrecked on one of the islands of Derwentwater .
12 After three days of negotiations , federal and state government leaders overcame party rivalries late on Saturday to agree on new measures to consolidate the budget and help pay the huge costs of German unification .
13 We remain convinced that full merger is the best way forward and the amendment will e enable the project to make progress If the Lib Dems have changed their mind Chairman and do support the forthcoming Labour amendment erm th the worst aspect for me is that I 've lost a bet because Bob bet me a year ago that the Lib Dems would not last the distance and he 's been proved right .
14 These have occurred both within the UK and abroad in the recent period of structural change and have affected the international position of UK manufacturing .
15 If I select MS-DOS Shell and attempt to delete the unwanted directories , I get the message : ‘ You can not delete a non-empty directory … ’ but according to MS-DOS Shell the specified directory states : ‘ No files match file specifier . ’
16 Where a clone and probe hybridise the corresponding row-column intersection is shaded depending on the level of hybridisation .
17 Roll out the remaining marzipan to a large thin circle and use to cover the entire semi-circular ‘ lid ’ .
18 Fold the excess lining pastry over the lid and press to seal the two layers of pastry together .
19 Bearing this in mind , let us now look at the low brace and try to create the low brace paddle stroke from first principles .
20 Snizort thought you might very nearly expect creatures , beings , anything at all , to steal through a darkling forest and lie watching the strange group of people eating supper and drinking wine in the glow from the fire .
21 True , they do not get any cash , but they get a big chunk of valuable stock and , most important , they get to leave the Unix business and stop supporting the big white Unix elephant .
22 Married since college , they run a highly successful advertising business and appear to have the perfect marriage .
23 For instance , we may be setting Dryden 's Song for Saint Cecilia 's Day and wish to abbreviate the following verse by cutting out less important material : We could reduce this to the following , which retains the important parts of the above , keeps the message exactly the same , but brings it down to more manageable proportions from a musical standpoint :
24 It was one thing to form an intention to compete while employed , but quite another to take active steps to induce other managers to join the competing enterprise and negotiate to deprive the employing company of its best customer .
25 In short , distance from the equator , winds , lay-out and height of continents , soil chemistry , past history , animals , plants , human history , and time and chance combine and interact to produce the particular set of conditions in any one place .
26 In a parliamentary party democracy a large part of the electoral contest is the campaign : the candidates confront each other and attempt to persuade the individual members of the electorate to cast votes in their favour .
27 In addition the fall in energy costs benefit industries and economic output and help to make the Japanese current account surplus even larger .
28 Any individual is at liberty to visit the offices of the local planning authority and ask to see the monthly or bimonthly list of planning applications that have been submitted .
29 On the word ‘ go ’ , everyone has to hit their egg and try to reach the other side of the room .
30 Roll out the same amount of blue fondant to a similarly sized area and use to cover the remaining half of the body in the same way .
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