Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [conj] i went [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I know that on Sunday I was on , on the watch , this weekend , and there was so much ice on the river , our anchor boat which is all made of wood , that 's moored up alongside the dredger and when I went along and got , that was about twelve o'clock in the mid-day .
2 And another time he went quiet and he was in the front room and when I went in he was chewing the leg of the settee
3 ‘ I had to climb out again to get some air and when I went back in I was just beaten back .
4 Ca n't eat chips , I was so hungry last night , I never had no food and when I went in
5 and I , I 've felt at that time and since I went on too early .
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