Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] from the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Branch Clubs have continued to receive the support of the Committee of Registered Clubs Association and to benefit from the work of the All Party Parliamentary Committee for Non-Profit Making Members Clubs .
2 Other noises do infiltrate the cabin — the wind , the odd bump and thump from the suspension , and the constant rattle and clunk from the cabin fittings .
3 When he did n't answer , she rose from her seat and walked from the room , giving the door a satisfying slam as she closed it .
4 She felt like jumping from her seat and running from the room .
5 If there 's anything embedded in it like gravel or something and it does n't come away easily you must n't , it comes under the categories of what you call foreign bodies , which first aider is not at liberty to poke about , you must leave foreign bodies that do n't come away easily where they are and bandage them round and send them off to hospital or a doctor , but assuming it 's just a little clean graze , if I have n't got a tap to put it under , then I must use little bits of gauze to wash , put in a bowl of water and just wipe , yeah , and you always wipe obviously from the centre of a wound towards the outside , otherwise if you start to wipe across the whole thing you take dirt from one side of the wound across and drop it off in the middle somewhere , so you wipe from the centre out and throw that piece away and you take another piece and wipe from the centre out and so on until you feel happy , quite happy .
6 The present kitchen was the cowbyre and the room on the first floor , now a bedroom , was the loft and approached from the gallery .
7 This flows from the assumptions made by the model of perfect competition that the individual entrepreneur maximizes his profits , that there is a price taker and that there is freedom of entry and exit from the industry in which he is producing goods .
8 The cavity contains a two-level medium of length L , and the total optical path is The boundary conditions at the entrance and exit from the medium are , respectively : and The latter relation simply implies a unique relationship between the transmitted field amplitude ET and the internal field .
9 The chains took up the slack and emerged from the river , long dripping lines of rusty tension , bound to the circular ship with its two little funnels .
10 She picked up her skirt and fled from the hospital before letting herself think what James 's absence meant .
11 Unfortunately , little is known of the south wing , but it has a very similar appearance to that of the north side and suffers from the disadvantage of facing north , which precludes any possibility of the best accommodation being situated there .
12 Aid and credits from the World Bank and Japan constituted over half of the total package .
13 But the best he could do was it down behind a large rock and escape from the grasp of the wind , though the rain still got to him and he started to shiver violently .
14 He placed his unfinished cigar in the ash tray and rose from the table , leaving his brandy untouched .
15 Cold and shaken from the journey , thick with sediment and drunk from a plastic beaker , it tasted like medicine .
16 To measure oesophageal body motility , variables measured were : ( 1 ) amplitude of contraction ( mm Hg ) , defined as the difference between the baseline pressure and the maximal pressure during the pressure event ; ( 2 ) duration of contraction ( s ) , defined as the time elapsed between the start and the end of the pressure event ; ( 3 ) area under the pressure curve ( mm Hg×s ) , calculated from the sum of all pressure values between the start and the end of the pressure event , multiplied by the sampling interval ; ( 4 ) propagation velocity ( cm/s ) , defined as the speed of a contraction and calculated from the delay time and the distance between the sensors ; ( 5 ) contractility ( mm Hg/s ) , defined as the maximal increment between consecutive pressure values divided by the sampling interval ; ( 6 ) total contractions ( No/24 h ) , defined as pressure curves that are not rejected as artifacts ; ( 7 ) propagated contractions ( No/24 h ) , defined as contractions that are detected by a proximal pressure transducer and followed by a contraction at the distal sensor .
17 Under the law of a number of member states ( though not the UK ) , transfer of central management and control from the state of registration is only possible if the company is wound up and reincorporated in another member state .
18 The main road north , Dere Street , must have described a dog-leg through the site , entering from the known site of the bridge over the Tyne to the south and emerging from the town on a more easterly line on its northward approach to the Portgate .
19 The government had divided the country into twelve divisions , circulated Circular 636 in November indicating the responsibilities of local authorities , passed a Preservation of Public Order Act and received from the Home Secretary , in February 1926 , the statement that ‘ little remained to be done before the actual occurrence of an emergency . ’
20 A real let down , especially after all I had heard about it , not to mention all that nudge nudge wink wink from the son of the house in East Ham where I had found a room , and so much eyebrow raising and snorting from the father .
21 Police recovered a red pullover and handgun from the scene .
22 Then she gathered up her scattered clothing and stole from the room .
23 As far as informal carers are concerned , the evidence that families may be unable to take on extra responsibilities , and the less certain evidence that elderly people may prefer care by professionals , with help and support from the family , rather than entirely by kin , are conveniently ignored .
24 Towering above this is a fixed crane derrick used to haul equipment and spoil from the shaft .
25 To do this properly you need to hold the strings down at the first fret and measure from the top of the pickup polepiece to the underside of the strings .
26 Carefully he raises the cover of fern and moss from the hole , and takes out what they hide : books , candy , and smoking tobacco , protected against moisture in leaden boxes .
27 Col. Thaabe Letsie and Col. Aloysius Kethang Mosoeunyane , who had been arrested on Feb. 19 , 1990 , and expelled from the Military Council and dismissed from the Army , were released from detention in Maseru in early March .
28 The compatibility between poetry and writing from the heart is not automatic but at best conventional .
29 Many projects in Zimbabwe , Zambia , Indonesia and other places are now embracing the local people in the development of wildlife-oriented management programmes where they will , once again , be party to the decision-making and benefit from the activity .
30 They had only just recovered from dealing with all the correspondence and presents from the wedding ; six days later , when the pregnancy became official , lorry loads of letters , bibs and baby boots rained down upon them .
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