Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] by the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The seminar is being organised by WACC 's North American regional association and hosted by The United Church of Canada under the theme ‘ Legacy : 500 Years of Evangelization in the Americas ’ .
2 Potentially , the heads of some federal ministries and departments could also become members , if nominated by the President and approved by the Supreme Soviet .
3 His father , shaken by the speed of the collapse and alarmed by the imminent threat to Loches and other key castles in the Angevin heartland , hastily mustered an army in England .
4 This decision was received with disappointment and regret by the Roman Catholic Church .
5 While I have not pretended that pre-Chernobyl data are extensive , there is compelling evidence about soil and grass contamination in the Cumbrian uplands before and after Chernobyl , based on research and monitoring by the Atomic Energy Authority , the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology , and BNFL .
6 But sleep came unawares , for he was woken by Luib in the dark and told by the peppery old Myrcan that it was his watch , and that Corrary was on after him .
7 On the same day a Shop Window 92 Shore Event will take place in front of Middlesbrough Civic Centre , including a march and displays by the Royal Marine Band of the Flag Officer Scotland and Northern Ireland .
8 8.8 To ensure that appropriate use is made of the available line management support arrangements , all requests for external counselling must be discussed with the employee and approved by the relevant District Manager .
9 The 350 acres of this coral island are thick with coconut palms , beaches of the softest sand and lapped by the clearest waters imaginable .
10 It was a tradition that avoided any real contemplation of the root causes of German unease ; their preference for ‘ action ’ , rested secure in the knowledge that everything they did was for the good of the nation , sanctioned by law and sanctioned by the German people .
11 Primarily , the fact that nostalgia has been thrown out the window and crushed by the futuristic steamroller from hell .
12 A list of the social and economic problems which could be identified was drawn up by the Executive Committee and approved by the full Association .
13 It is quite wrong to posit a pathological process , as Aristotle does with his theory of katharsis , whereby the audience is purged of pity and fear by the solemn events of the play .
14 The place which seems above all to encapsulate the spirit of the Derwent Ings is Aughton church , standing alone in the marshlands , its churchyard lapped by floods each winter and haunted by the bubbling call of the curlew in spring .
15 These magazines concentrate on discriminating travel , food , fashion , nature subjects , archaeology etc , always with extensive and beautiful pictorial coverage and written by the best authors in their respective fields .
16 Thus the term planning encompasses not only those places whose form shows clearly that an overall scheme lay behind the layout of streets , but also towns which , whatever form they acquired , were pushed into existence and developed by the active support of individuals or institutions .
17 motor vehicles owned by the Secretary of State for Defence and used by the Royal Air Force Mountain Rescue Service for the purposes of rescue operations in connection with crashed aircraft or any other emergencies ; and
18 Polam Hall School scooped 12 awards in the UK Schools Mathematics Challenge organised by Birmingham University and sponsored by the National Westminster Bank .
19 Some saw fascism as a means to restore an alleged utopian past of harmonious political , economic and social relationships which had been swept away by the war and replaced by the degenerative effects of the extension of the franchise in 1918 and the emergence of political democracy .
20 At the same time , the sound of distant gunfire , explosions and shouting came to him on the night breeze , somewhere off his right and muffled by the intervening trees .
21 He had made a detour to a cafe where he stayed for an unspecified time before walking to the Post and entering by the back door , discovering the mayhem in the newsroom and retreating to the printer 's office .
22 ( 3 ) In May 1983 B.M.T. to which the application signed by the first plaintiff and altered by the third defendant had been submitted , offered C.M.C. a loan of £185,500 on the security of the bakery .
23 For more than a hundred years throughout the Dales of Yorkshire , the pivot of community life , the one platform for self-expression open to everyone was the chapel It had a virtual monopoly on social life , organizing the annual outings , sports days , tea parties and concerts which were the highlights of the year in an era which was starved of communication and leisure and wearied by the constant treadmill of work on the land .
24 Set back from these two , on the middle bay of the original W front , is the soaring W wall topped with a machicolation and entered by the fine late Romanesque and early Gothic doorway with its 13th century tympanum of Christ and the Four Beasts , its unusually long foliaged lintel with four Latin rhyming couplets and a lucid signature by Bernardus DE III VIIS ( de Tréviers ) dated 1178 , and the powerful bas-reliefs of SS Paul and Peter , with sword and keys , all carved in various marbles from antique sources .
25 I recently read Stacey 's study of the council , published with its blessing and undertaken by the same means of ‘ participant observation , ’ albeit not apparently requiring the same degree of deception .
26 Third , prayer in the light of the Bible and guided by the Holy Spirit will change me : change my attitudes , make me more like the person God wants me to be .
27 every investment advertisement approved by KPMG Peat Marwick should be signed in his/her own name and dated by the approving partner
28 send a copy of approved advertisements , signed in his own name and dated by the approving partner ( who should be the engagement partner ) , accompanied by the consent letter and the appropriate form :
29 This new strategy was ridiculed by the Soviet leadership and opposed by the heavy engineering sector inside Czechoslovakia .
30 Yet clinical ecology has been severely criticised in the High Court and castigated by the Royal College of Physicians and the American College of Physicians ; and the provocation testing used by clinical ecologists has been shown by a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine to be unscientific .
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