Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They took one last look at the newly laid keel and walked back along East Street together , Harry and Ann arm in arm , but Sam and Martha holding hands , because they were still like lovebirds together and did n't mind the world knowing it .
2 It was during one of these that he was spotted by a talent scout and signed up by Warner Brothers .
3 An occasional surfer , Parrish eats Indian food , listens to everything from Metallica to Motown and hangs out with friends and family in his valley home .
4 The mullet pick up speed and head in towards land cleverly putting us between them and the dolphins .
5 About 50 old Somervillians met in the library of the University Women 's Club to be welcomed by the A.S.M. President and brought up to date on Somerville news by the Principal .
6 Woods , 19 , of Bramall Lane , Darlington , admitted two counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm , reckless driving , and additional charges of burglary , theft and making off without payment .
7 There were some who denied their loss and held on to formulas of belief but by far the largest numbers of devotees simply withdrew from political activity into a position of depression .
8 He grabbed a club and lashed out at Mr Morgan .
9 I was into Prince , Parliament , Funkadelic , Tom Tom Club and going out to parties .
10 Things were beginning to hum when I noticed Mrs Lewis get up from her seat and go over to Mary .
11 Garvey came ducking across the compartment and sat down beside Gabriel , tucking the quilt round him .
12 English reinforcements approaching along the edge of the Carse were intercepted by the Earl of Moray and driven off in disorder , leaving heavy casualties .
13 There are people who have been brought in unconscious for no apparent reason , who have had car accidents and been cut free by the fire brigade and rushed in for emergency treatment following accidents .
14 Having set off in great style from Salzburg in their own carriage , they were now so impecunious that they were obliged to sell it before the frontier and go on by postchaise .
15 Living on the Continent and checking in with friends in Milan and Stuttgart , the English vision of Europe about to collapse into Weimar-style chaos is pure nonsense .
16 That would be a very good thing , she shouted back , but her inner self did n't agree and , muttering under her breath at her unruly self , she pushed unanswerable questions to the back of her mind and got down to business .
17 She banished them from her mind and glanced back at Clarissa who was sleeping peacefully .
18 If quick decisions are needed , say during the sales , then at least work out the approximate size of the spaces you have in mind and look out for pieces of furniture that will best fit into them .
19 Michael sat down and pulled Conker 's reins , but the pony stiffened his neck and hurtled on in pursuit of the grey .
20 The richness and diversity will be when your grandchildren , your great grandchildren , are of mixed race , mixed ancestry : look at each other with fondness and love out of eyes which slant every which way and who compare the shade of their skins with interest , not envy : because the paler the skin no longer means the longer-lived , the more prosperous , the more educated , the more capable of reaching the fullness of human potential .
21 Rachel Sherrington , swimming in the 1979 girls ' backstroke , also won the silver and followed up with bronze in the freestyle .
22 She sticks the cigarette in her mouth and looks around for matches .
23 Five mile ramble led by John Merrill starting at Meden Trail car park , Pleasley. 2–5.30pm then tea and bus back to car park . .
24 Having been synthesized it has to be transported to the part of the cell in which it is required ; there it will remain for its lifetime of hours , weeks or months until it is due for renewal , when it is pulled out of place in the cell and broken down by enzymes as quickly as it was previously synthesized , its building blocks ( the amino acids ) being recycled in the synthesis of other proteins .
25 The doctor smiled quietly , reached for her pad and made a note ; she smiled , walked round the foot of the high couch and came up towards Phoebe left-hand side .
26 Not really hungry , she made a cheese sandwich and curled up in front of the television .
27 Tokyo is encouraging Japanese companies to increase their research and to move out of Japan into Europe and the United States .
28 She replaced the instrument and turned back to Robert .
29 On April 18 , 1943 at 0700hrs Yamamoto climbed aboard a Mitsubishi G4M Betty bomber and set off for Bougainville , his formation was accompanied by another Betty and six Zeros .
30 I just like the food and the booze and turning out on Boxing Day for the hunt .
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