Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [art] [noun pl] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 This report stemmed from the recommendation of the Schools Council in the early 1970s that the dual examination systems of GCE and CSE should be replaced by a single system at 16 plus .
2 This is achieved via the setting of the PURGE-TASKS keyword in the PMDL .
3 The government says schools like Pate 's are better-off out of local authority control … but admit that the school has had it 's hands tied by the rules that say they ca n't spend more on teachers than the county council will allow.The governments proposing a review of the regulations system in 1994 but for teachers at Pate 's who 're facing redundancy and pupils a drop in educational standards this could be too long a wait .
4 A review of the qualifications framework in childcare and education is currently underway .
5 Failure to obey any instructions he or she might issue in this context may amount to the statutory offence of obstruction of a police officer in the execution of his duty , for which the sentence can be either imprisonment or a substantial fine .
6 He was arrested and , although there was no blockage of the highway , disorder , or violence , he was later charged with obstruction of a police officer in the execution of his duty .
7 The overwhelming majority of Scottish cases related to one of four offences : conduct likely or intended to cause a breach of the peace , obstruction of a police officer in the execution of his or her duty , criminal damage or breach of bail conditions ( Wallington , 1985 : 150 ) .
8 In due course , she was charged with and convicted of obstruction of a police constable in the execution of his duty .
9 It is chaired by , a practising auditor , a member of the Auditing Practices Board and chairman of the Accounts Commission in Scotland .
10 The author presiding at his last meeting as chairman of the Arts Council in 1972 .
11 When he was promoted to deputy chairman of the Plastics Division in 1966 he remained in charge of the film group .
12 The report was discussed with the police authority back in October 1990 and with the chairman of the police authority in October 1990 .
13 Next to me is Neil , he 's the returning officer , he 's the chairman of the candidates committee in erm the northwest .
14 I 've looked , for example , erm , to his comment on the police communications rooms , which will actually have a significant impact on er , the budget of the police committee in future years .
15 Mr Rooker , MP for Perry Barr in Birmingham , discovered the existence of the POWs Fund in 1976 and publicised it in the Midlands .
16 It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the elements of thermodynamics , statistical mechanics and elasticity to the level of an honours degree in physics or chemistry but since continuum mechanics and viscoelasticity are not commonly found in such courses a detailed account of them is give in Chaps 2 and 3 , Chap .
17 The firm of Ross and Macdonald had recently been associated with the building of the Beaux-Arts station in Ottawa .
18 He helped form Darlington 's first rambling club the Rucksack Club and in 1942 formed a branch of the Ramblers Association in the North-East .
19 To measure the skill of the reservations clerk in achieving a maximum occupancy percentage the following calculations can be made .
20 He was attending a conference which had been called to discuss the formation of a police force in Oxfordshire .
21 Of particular importance here was the formation of the Britons Society in 1918 which was to be the immediate precursor of British racial fascism .
22 And , as I said before , these ‘ values ’ are nt supposed to be a reflection of the players value in real life .
23 In the first part I argue for the inclusion of gender awareness as a valid dimension of educational analysis of the arts and , as a vehicle for this argument , posit a set of four general criteria which might legitimately be used by arts educators as part of a re-evaluation of the arts curriculum in this regard .
24 He was less concerned with the fate of the customs official in Uruguay whose spine he had had to snap than he was with the course of the ancient empire on its long , slow descent into barbarism .
25 The committee supported the continuation of the Accidents Programme in 1992–94 .
26 Membership of the Britons Society in the 1920s included more than ultra-conservative political reactionaries .
27 The seniority-based nature of the wages system in Japan , the nenko system , has been the major focus of much discussion of the relation between rewards and performance in Japan ( see Sano , 1977 ) .
28 By 1968 , with the CNAA withdrawing approval of the honours degree in quantity surveying , the College had not overcome some of its early difficulties .
29 On Feb. 8 the official news agency Tass had disclosed that Georgia 's Prime Minister Tengiz Sigua had written to the director of an armaments factory in the Russian city of Tula offering to barter Georgian food products for guns and ammunition .
30 She picked up the bag , checked inside to see that everything was still there , and was about to confiscate the switchblade when she heard the sound of a police siren in the distance .
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