Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As well as running workshops and training events in different parts of the country to help individuals and couples plan constructively for the future , it also offers one-to-one counselling advice to those thinking of embarking on a new career .
2 A consciousness of belonging to a coherent professional group was both expressed and strengthened by the appearance , from the mid-nineteenth century onwards , of guides and yearbooks which for the first time listed the diplomats and foreign office officials in the service of most of the European states .
3 The Aussies , under the guidance of Andy Slack ( ‘ out best entertainment has nothing at all to do with rugby ’ ) quickly got to grips with their imported beer after the disappointment of losing to a late Welsh try in one of the opening games .
4 To ensure an employee becomes effective in his work as soon as possible , briefing on the areas mentioned above is most important but no matter how much business information is provided in advance , the expatriate can not give full attention to his work if he or members of his family suffer culture shock as a result of living in a strange environment .
5 Sage can be grown outdoors in cool , temperate climates in spite of its provenance , and will survive all but the coldest winters , provided the soil is well-drained , and the plant has been well-ripened as a result of growing in a sunny position .
6 In Chapter 3 we discussed briefly employee theft , and , in particular , Ditton 's study of fiddling at a factory-production bakery .
7 It is particularly this aspect of BSL structure which not only creates the concentration of meaning in a few glosses but is frequently brought into use by deaf people .
8 The appropriateness of suffering during a normal cycle of grief has already been noted .
9 Both legal literature and the documentary evidence attest the use of what can be called trust clauses , as well as the practice of using for a single disposition the wording of both legacy and trust .
10 Conversely , when a war was being concluded and there was a prospect of reductions in the size of the army , many officers of the younger regiments attempted to avoid reduction to half-pay by trying their interest with a politician , but the practice of transferring to a new regiment to accelerate promotion , and then regaining a place in an old one while retaining the rank already gained , demanded very good political connections .
11 Because of the stress laid upon the need for timely preparation , there was no support for the common contemporary practice of withholding from a sick person as long as possible warning of the terminal character of the illness .
12 They had no intention of applying for a weekly permit to play on the street corner in every town throughout Scotland .
13 One of the pleasures of a short break is the luxury of shopping at a leisurely pace .
14 To point the contrast , we can look at the process of written production in action through a piece of writing by a 10 year old , Thomas .
15 It is perhaps the imperative of writing for a national gallery with international exposure which prompts this emphasis on ‘ mastery ’ and ‘ genius ’ .
16 Both Law and Baxter liked a good time , but language problems , an over-attentive press and the sheer tedium of living in a big city hotel , conspired against them .
17 The car , code-named Project R931 , will have the added bonus of slotting into a low insurance group , making it ideal for younger drivers .
18 But what is the meaning of this apparently nonsensical ritual of going to a running stream at midnight at the time of a full moon ?
19 The pleasure of drinking from a good quality glass is like drinking tea from fine china .
20 Everyone felt a desire to go out , even if only for a moment , to feel the pleasure of walking in a foreign city at night .
21 There is also the pleasure of working with a fantastic team of lads . ’
22 This is the essence of participating in a social environment .
23 A disadvantage of moving to a rolling system is that investors will not be able to buy and sell shares within the account period without paying , as happens at present .
24 For many staff , the satisfaction of exam level work outweighs the possible disadvantage of working within a narrow age-range .
25 Following Sealink 's withdrawal from the route , Hoverspeed takes over today ( April 11 ) with its fast SeaCat. 432 aircraft-style seats reinforce the illusion of travelling on a jumbo jet .
26 In one text Paul appears to be of the same view ; but in another Papinian takes the opposite line , on the basis that the testator had in mind not that payment should be made only if a condition of surviving to a certain age was met , but that payment should be deferred to that point in time .
27 Closer to home , in their statement of educational principles , for example , a group of teachers from Wigan included the following : ‘ Education has the responsibility of operating within a democratic system ; of respecting and nurturing democratic principles ; of being open to change by democratic process ; and , perhaps , most importantly , of encouraging within the young those qualities and skills which enable them to participate in a democracy and ultimately to develop or change it ’ ( Department of Education and Science , 1983 , p. 27 ) .
28 To take on the responsibility of looking after a frightened and disorientated family of five , who speak not a single word of English , would be an overwhelming chore for the most seasoned carer .
29 That we can not cope with another child , that we are not ready for parenthood , that we can not face raising a child without a partner , that we can not afford a child , that our method of birth control failed , that we are the victims of rape , that we can not bear the anguish of carrying a child to term and giving it up for adoption , that we can not accept the responsibility of caring for a handicapped child — these are the reasons why we seek abortion in the vast majority of cases .
30 In desperation , Meryl resorted to her favourite trick of concentrating on a new subject when the old one became too much to bear .
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