Example sentences of "[noun sg] be made to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A final sortie was made to the hotel for a large bowl of ‘ Bon Ali ’ , a hot bread pudding .
2 The right of appeal depended on reference being made to the pope .
3 Requests for further assistance were made to the Commonwealth and to the European Communities ( EC ) .
4 It is particularly important with ASU Schemes that reference is made to the master policy as this is the definitive statement of cover .
5 The analysis draws throughout on the work done in the last decade by Gruber ( 1974 ) , Herbert ( 1974 , 1977 ) , Ghiselin ( 1975 ) , Ruse ( 1975a , b ; 1979 ) , Schweber ( 1977 , 1980 ) , Kottler ( 1978 ) , Manier ( 1978 ) , Sulloway ( 1979 , 1982a , b ) , Kohn ( 1980 ) , Ospovat ( 1981 ) , and Sloan ( 1983a , b ) and is derived from studies by the present writer ( Hodge , 1982 , 1986 ; Hodge & Kohn , 1986 ) where full reference is made to the documentary sources and secondary literature .
6 — and reference is made to the guidance , at p. 66 , that I have just read .
7 Their use was not envisaged in every case ; express reference is made to the submission in simple appeals only of material counsel would expect the court to note in detail .
8 We deleted the paragraph in the letter in which particular reference is made to the form of religion specially favoured .
9 It will be noted that not only does this permit the discovery , which may be enforced by court order , of information which is not admissible in evidence , but no reference is made to the status of the person obliged to make discovery ; that is , the Rule applies in respect of non-parties as well as parties .
10 The massage is not stopped , even to produce a handkerchief , and no reference is made to the cause of the tears .
11 Reference is made to the report for the hearing for a fuller account of the facts in the proceedings before the national court , the course of the procedure and the written observations submitted to the Court of Justice , which are mentioned or discussed hereinafter only in so far as is necessary for the reasoning of the court .
12 These are the main cases in which an explicit reference is made to the importance of intention in interpreting trusts .
13 During June each year , visitors to Kilwinning are likely to be perplexed if reference is made to the town 's annual papingo shoot .
14 In correspondence and submissions to the Commission repeated reference is made to the training received by clergy before ordination , and to the place of music in that training .
15 This sequence occurs whenever a reference is made to the file , and it is helpful to examine each stage of the process :
16 if income arises in an overseas company owned by an overseas settlement the income can not be taxed upon the settlor under this section ( the " see-through " provision which is now abolished in s681(1) ( b ) never did apply to Chapter II ) ; 2. no reference is made to the domicile of the settlor in Chapter II of Part XV unlike Chapter III ( see s681(1) ) ; 3. no reference is made in s663 to the Case under which the tax charge is to arise .
17 These crash boats made a great noise , and part of the plan was to fly Anson aircraft overhead as the run was made to the beach , this being timed to a nicety .
18 In the first letter , dated 4 March 1991 , reference was made to the fluid and confused situation that had followed upon the successful coup :
19 Moving to the dais , the Lord Lieutenant then heard a speech of welcome by Mr D G Titcombe , in which reference was made to the development of autocatalysts since 1970 , including the Queen 's Award for Technological Achievement made to the Johnson Matthey Technology Centre in 1977 .
20 Whilst , according to them , some reference was made to the possibility of imprisonment , the second appellant was assured by the solicitor that there was no risk of that and no real need for them to appear before the judge .
21 Wherever relevant reference was made to The School Curriculum and The Practical Curriculum ( Schools Council , 1981 ) as well as the ‘ entry-year evaluation ’ study .
22 In the consideration of the plight of litigants in the civil courts , reference was made to the difficulty of collecting evidence to support a claim .
23 Brief reference was made to the Society 's hopes of establishing a railway museum in the town .
24 Reference was made to the decision of the Court of Appeal in the case of Riley v Tesco Stores Ltd ( [ 1980 ] IRLR 103 ( CA ) ) .
25 In the last section reference was made to the way in which the Unemployment Assistance Board , which was renamed the Assistance Board in 1940 , took over various functions from the public assistance committees in the early part of the war .
26 But no specific reference was made to the race of the children , nor did it appear to affect deliberations .
27 Despite the work of the surveys no reference was made to the importance of teaching method .
28 Reference was made to the need for affordable housing .
29 This predicts that sorting time would be 24.9568 msecs per card if no reference was made to the value of the cards and that the rate of gain of information for the class is 377.68396 msecs per bit of information per card .
30 Applications to stay or suspend the order or warrant are made to the district judge ( Ord 25 , r 8 ) .
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