Example sentences of "[noun sg] be made in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Again mail is generated and an entry is made in the log .
2 As the change of room will have no effect on the number of guests staying in the hotel , no entry is made in the column showing number of guests ( Fig. 3.27 ) .
3 Does it occur on withdrawal or when the entry is made in the bank 's books , i.e. when the account is debited ?
4 I admit to feeling a little dubious regarding the adequacy of these small filtration units and this was well-founded in some respects as I discovered that although the two models are described as 35 and 55 gallon capacity no mention is made in the advertising that this refers to US gallons not Imperial .
5 No attempt is made in the Convention to prescribe details of procedure for the payment or reimbursement of costs .
6 I was also disappointed that no mention was made in the Queen 's Speech of one of the major consequences of the Gulf war — the plight of the Kurdish people throughout the region .
7 We promptly bought the next two novels when they came out , and in the Bodleian catalogue I discovered Dolores , the early work of which no mention was made in the list of titles prefacing her later books .
8 That somewhat chilling prediction was made in the presence of the hon. Member for Cornwall , North ( Sir G. Neale ) , who was here to listen to the opening speeches but who is not here now .
9 At half past eleven , tea was made in the back parlour .
10 They held a Soiree in January of the next year at which 140 were present ; tea was made in the manse kitchen .
11 They held a Soiree in January of the next year at which 140 were present ; tea was made in the manse kitchen .
12 The first attempt was made in the autumn of 1947 .
13 They are trying to suggest that erm , somehow this year we 're cutting the police budget , he seems to have forgotten that last year when he was chairman of the police authority , a three hundred thousand pound cut , a genuine cut was made in the police authority budget , budgets were cut to make up to make up to that three hundred thousand , at the discretion of the Chief Constable , and to the credit of Mrs , and her other colleagues in the police committee , virtually no attempt was made to make political capital at that time , instead of which now , when all we 've seen is a request for the Chief Constable to defer proposed new spending , all of a sudden this is presented as a cut .
14 The Rock was made in the back of the shop and sold to holidaymakers who returned home with lettered Rock for family and friends .
15 In the Harvard system ( often referred to as the " author — date " style ) , references to a particular work are made in the form of a parenthesis , giving the author 's name , the date of the publication referred to or quoted from and the relevant page number(s) .
16 Although attempts to inject a more strategic element into economic management were made in the aftermath of the fuel crisis of 1947 , in practice they went little further than attempts at greater co-ordination .
17 Serious allegations of patient neglect and abuse were made in the Sun newspaper .
18 POP superstar Michael Jackson flew out of Singapore today bound for Taipei , airport officials said , as new attacks against him over alleged child abuse were made in the United States .
19 This would lead to the conclusion that the relevant ‘ discourse subjects ’ for a particular discourse fragment must be those to which reference is made in the text of the discourse .
20 Reference is made in the Bible , Kings 2 , 23:10 , to man making ‘ his son … or daughter to pass through the fire to Molech ’ .
21 The proposal was made in the context of the new Pacific rim economic organization ( Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Council — APEC ) established in the same month in Canberra , Australia [ see p. 37044 ] , and highlighted differing attitudes to APEC within ASEAN .
22 It was not until James Watt , instrument maker at Glasgow University , was given the job of repairing a model Newcomen steam engine , that a major breakthrough was made in the business of powering up the early beginnings of the industrial world .
23 Reference was made in the course of the argument to a number of Commonwealth and American decisions , but I have not found in them any reasoning persuasive of a view contrary to that which I have formed in the light of the English and Scottish authorities .
24 On the other hand , repeated reference was made in the debate " to the valuable contribution that assistance for family planning could make to the health of women " .
25 Finally in this section , it is worth pointing out that in the first Unit of this course we learnt that organisations which were based on an open system ( where information flowed in and out through a ‘ permeable boundary ’ to its environment and publics and where adjustment was made in the light of feedback ) , were more able to adapt to change and continue to prosper .
26 In addition , a new oil discovery was made in the Venganza prospect , to the east of Purificacion .
27 The earliest attempts to process data by means of an electromechanical device were made in the United States by Herman Hollerith in the 1890's .
28 Bell Atlantic Corp 's Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co of West Virginia has had a fillip from Standard & Poor 's Corp , which raised its senior unsecured debt rating to double-A-plus from double-A , affecting about $265m of debt , the move being made in the expectation that the company 's network modernisation and supportive regulation will help it to improve an already strong debt service capacity .
29 In France , HLCAs and capital grants are related to the level of handicap ; only a crude distinction is made in the UK .
30 This point is made in the Report by quoting Henry Sidgwick 's suggestions for propagating the " noblest " culture and making it prevail :
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