Example sentences of "[noun sg] be make [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Denials of prejudice and racism are made by politicians on the New Right ( Gordon and Klug , 1986 ; see also , Schoen , 1977 , and Studlar , 1974 , for examples from Enoch Powell 's speeches ) .
2 Having returned to London , the Goldsmiths considered the subject and it is remarkable that , after so many years in which scarcely a mention is made of Stockport in the Minute Books , it now occupied so much of their attention for five years .
3 So they fail to notice that there is no tube of white paint , whereas in another " list " , Miss Sayers ' description of the picture on the easel , mention is made of masses of white clouds .
4 The KUBE is made for KEF by Boothroyd Stuart ( Meridian ) and is very neatly put together using high quality components ( 5532 operational amplifier integrated circuits , 317/337 voltage regulators and so on ) and housed in a simple black-finished alloy box .
5 Conventional cell : The conventional cell is made from wafers of monocrystalline silicon , the semiconductor material used in microchips .
6 The problem here is that unless some attempt is made by sociolinguists to ‘ unpack ’ the pertinent variables for which social class stands proxy , progress in formulating a satisfying explanation of the relationships between linguistic and social structure is likely to be slow .
7 Another tape is made for distribution to other broadcasters .
8 The SDA 's investment was made in accordance with our normal commercial criteria to help to strengthen the financial and business position of an expanding company , headquartered in Scotland , which is prepared to provide the prospect of continued growth .
9 A representative and influential attempt was made by Plekhanov in his essay , The Role of the Individual in History , where he considers what effect the characters of prominent people such as kings and statesmen have on the course of events .
10 , writes : MANY years ago I was told that Colgate toothpaste was made from pebbles from Chesil Beach , Dorset .
11 On that date a submission was made on behalf of the respondent to Judge Holden that the proceedings should be stayed on the grounds of delay and the ‘ resultant prejudice to the defendant . ’
12 The Mazda 's hard-top is made by TWR of Oxford and affixes using the catches for the soft-top .
13 Where the disclosure is made in confidence by a child victim to his solicitor , the solicitor 's entitlement to breach his duty of confidentiality depends on the child 's degree of maturity .
14 ‘ Recent ’ in this case seems to mean c1990 ; thus reference is made to proposals for Manchester 's Metrolink to run in the City Centre , while the changes wrought by the Transport and Works Act 1992 are barely anticipated .
15 In the years immediately before the Reform Act , frequent reference is made in Scotland to Boroughmongers , although , as the spelling shows , the term was of English origin .
16 4.3.1 ( if no modification is made by Counsel in accordance with clause 4.2.4 ) be borne by the Landlord
17 Wild angelica 's close relative angelica archangelica is made into candy by crystallising the stalks .
18 The implication of the Reinberg group 's work is that rapidly rotating shifts , where no adjustment is made in terms of body rhythms , are preferable to longer cycled systems .
19 In these latter cases , the guaranteed payment against the countersigned bill of exchange is made by reference to a measurable and external act such as , for example , completion and authentication of shipping documents .
20 ( 2 ) Where a document of title to goods has been lawfully transferred to any person as buyer or owner of the goods , and that person transfers the document to a person who takes it in good faith and for valuable consideration , then — ; ( a ) if the last-mentioned transfer was by way of sale the unpaid seller 's right of lien or retention or stoppage in transit is defeated ; and ( b ) if the last-mentioned transfer was made by way of pledge or other disposition for value , the unpaid seller 's right of lien or retention or stoppage in transit can only be exercised subject to the rights of the transferee . ’
21 No similar proposal was made in relation to Class B applications , but it was recommended that there should be a strict three-month time limit .
22 A breakthrough was made in September in the search for a peaceful settlement of the Cambodian conflict when the warring parties agreed to implement a UN peace plan .
23 At one time a footway was made from Skinnergate to North Bondgate to save people 's shoes .
24 The Home Secretary 's reference was made following complaints by the appellant of police malpractice , an investigation by the P.C.A. and the quashing of convictions in other cases involving one of the officers of whose conduct the appellant complained .
25 Reference was made to Gloag on Contract ( 2nd edn ) , pp 617 and 618 , which respectively state : ‘ Stipulations as to time of payment are not treated as material conditions of the contract , except in very special cases ’ , and , ‘ [ The ] question is whether the conduct of the party in default is such as to indicate that he intends to repudiate his contractual obligations . ’
26 Reference was made to Collard v Carswell ( 1893 ) 20 R ( HL ) 47 , Lord Chancellor Herschell , at p 48 , and to Forslind v Bechely-Crundall , 1922 SC ( HL ) 173 , 1922 SLT 496 , in which Lord Shaw of Dunfermline , at p 509 , said : ‘ The accent of the psychology is not upon the mind of the person who is defiant or heedless of his obligations , but , as Lord Herschell put it , upon the mind of the person who is suffering from the defiance . ’
27 Reference was made to Hector v. Attorney-General for Antigua and Barbuda [ 1990 ] 2 A.C. 312 where the constitutional validity of a statutory provision creating a criminal offence was in issue .
28 Particular reference was made in argument to sections 42 to 49 and sections 230 to 237 , and to the powers of an administrator or administrative receiver as set out in Schedule 1 to the Act of 1986 .
29 No further colonization could be attempted while the war with Spain went on , partly because ships bound for the North American seacoast were forced by the prevailing winds to go uncomfortably far north or dangerously close to the Spanish settlement in the south , but interest revived after peace was made with Spain in 1604 .
30 The deeply unpopular Somerset was overthrown in October , and power passed to those who had opposed the war ; his successor , John Dudley , earl of Warwick , was only recognizing the inevitable when he gave up Boulogne at the same time as peace was made with Scotland in March 1550 , when the last stronghold held by the English , Lauder , capitulated .
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