Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [prep] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And there 's another side to that which is that some people in the statutory provision are in it for the money , for their careers , for empire building and so on .
2 The Cross-Rail and channel tunnel high speed link are at nothing like the state of preparedness of Jubilee Line , that 's going ahead now after a lot of work , er th it it will not be the case er it that you can do either of those very quickly , Cross-Rail 's only just started going through the House of Commons .
3 White claims the hone is from something like the modern Pacific white-sided dolphin .
4 The green car was behind them on the pier , in the third line of queuing cars .
5 In short , the Regional Council and the District Council are at one on the matters referred to .
6 If Nodform Wonder is in anything like the form he was at Wetherby on Friday , he will laugh off the six pound penalty that is intended to slow him down in the Levy Board Handicap Hurdle at Kelso .
7 The market was pleasantly stunned by the deal , since no-one had realised that the stake was worth anything like the sum agreed .
8 Whereby the task of the local planning authority , and the onus is on them without the initial negative presumption , the task before the local planning authority in refusing permission is made that much more difficult .
9 A fourth sack holds 400 Imperial gold crowns of some antiquity — the head of Carolus is on them with the date 1903 IC .
10 At a public meeting last September he suggested that saying ‘ they ought to do something about it ’ was pointless , and boldly proposed that the only way to save the shop was for everyone in the village to club together and buy it .
11 Then his warm , naked body was against hers beneath the covers and this time everything was magically different .
12 Note first , however , that categories being the invention of critics and books being the creation of writers , seldom will any of these sub-genres of crime fiction be without something of the others in it .
13 Your obituary 's on your in the paper when you 're dead .
14 Yeah well that 's erm , I mean , the only talking is between us at the moment it 's just , you know , .
15 ‘ You must think the whole world 's against you at the moment . ’
16 Thank you , m may I just say to Committee , that this report is before you at the request of George .
17 Well , the doctor 's with her at the moment , although he should n't be long .
18 Wilde 's transgressive aesthetic simultaneously confirmed and exploited this inextricable connection between the sexual and the ( apparently ) non-sexual , between sexual perversion and social subversion , and does so through Wilde 's own version of that connection : ‘ what paradox was to me in the sphere of thought , perversity became to me in the sphere of passion ’ ( Wilde , De Profundis , 466 ) .
19 I think that the other side of that is that not everyone in private provision is in it for the money .
20 The tendency is for everyone in the team to touch the ball as it goes through and to shuffle back each time someone has completed their turn .
21 His dad was with him at the race , but he could n't find him and gave the grenade to a marshal .
22 ‘ When we were real little , my Dad was into anything from The Chieftains to Sly & The Family Stone , to Joe Cocker , to Buffalo Springfield ; there were so many different things that he loved .
23 Unfortunately his foot was in it at the time and I slammed it , at which point he pulled out a badge and said he was a cop .
24 Incest and necrophilia were as nothing to the amorous Egyptian gods .
25 Bird Ban time is upon us with the South Stack ( Gogarth ) bans beginning on the February 1st and most Pembroke bans starting on March 1st .
26 The next thing he knew was that the girl with the lovely face was with him in the hut , holding his head in her arms .
27 Hazel stamped , and a few moments later Dandelion was beside him in the bracken .
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