Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [v-ing] [prep] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Indian industry is going from strength to strength . ’
2 With the development of rights of appeal against tribunal decisions , the significance of judicial review is diminishing in relation to such tribunals .
3 Further large-scale deforestation is occurring in response to government-sanctioned development projects , many of which involve cash cropping and ranching .
4 ‘ But the Devonport proposals for nuclear submarine work are going in parallel to that , and that was put forward by ourselves really delinked from what the chairman was saying , as our initiative to attract and secure work . ’
5 By all the rules of the market , Hewlett-Packard Co 's HP 3000 business computer family should be going the way of the Wang Laboratories Inc VS and the Nixdorf Computer AG 8870 , but in defiance of crude market logic , the machine is going from strength to strength , bolstered by the company 's relaxed approach to migration to Unix : because HP 3000 users know they can relatively painlessly convert to Unix any time they choose , the majority are happy to stay right where they are , and the company claims that its high-end HP 3000 system business actually grew more than 50% last year , and the much-derided Posix interface is actually enabling it to pick up applications from Unix .
6 Already the basket was swinging from side to side in the wind .
7 But the tracer was weaving from side to side .
8 While the beam was going from right to left , the target moved forward .
9 Her body was stirring in response to the warmth of his , and Luke was becoming aroused in his turn .
10 Quoting reseller sources briefed by the company , Computer Reseller News is looking for Sun to phase out the ELC and Sparcstation 2 to make room for new Tsunami-run IPCs and IPXs .
11 A new temperance movement is spreading from state to state , to the alarm of brewers and distillers , and of some in government .
12 This is partially due to the fact that the auditor 's role is evolving in response to changing public needs and expectations .
13 Professionally , Crawford 's career was going from strength to strength , and his association with film director Richard Lester continued with A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To the Forum .
14 Ace was running from boulder to boulder along the summit of the ridge , stopping wherever she found good cover , just long enough to hurl one of her primitive looking grenades , or fire her blaster , or launch some kind of tiny projectile that Defries could n't see clearly .
15 In these massive works Setch is responding in detail to the pollution of the sea and the land of his adopted Wales ( and by clear extension pollution everywhere else ) .
16 My health is improving from day to day .
17 As is the case with the parasitic wasp , it seems that sex allocation is occurring in response to environmental variation .
18 They would ask me how the training was going from time to time and this interest spurred me on .
19 Trevor Radway , Chairman of the Forest of Dean Railway Company Limited , said there had been many improvements in recent times , and the railway was going from strength to strength .
20 They want some of the seven million pounds the British taxpayer is putting into setaside to be spent on making farms a friendlier place for wildlife :
21 In consequence the numerical significance of the unions within the Labour Party structure was declining in contrast to that of the expanding constituency Labour Parties .
22 The idea of groining a beach is that along the Sussex coast the beach material is moving from west to east , this is because the prevailing winds drive the gravel erm onto the beach from the southwest , and it moves in that direction all the time .
23 Like the Jews , they are exactly the sort of quick-decision , risk-accepting businessmen who are needed when a region is changing from communism to capitalism .
24 The van was travelling in parallel to them , but in the opposite direction .
25 She strode with a determined step into the hall , and in no time was going from room to room , throwing open doors , exclaiming with interest and delight .
26 Then , while Leith was wondering which stranger to Jimmy from which department had called in her absence , his cheerful face was splitting from ear to ear as he asked , ‘ Do I congratulate you or your fiancé ? ’
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