Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [adj] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ( 2 ) The grounds on which different types of application may competently be refused by a licensing board are those mentioned opposite the respective types of application set out below .
2 Some transactions costs differ between traders , and the relevant transactions costs in each case are those faced by the marginal trader , for instance market makers in shares .
3 The express terms contained in a booking contract are likely to relate to the following points :
4 The above levels of Idemnite are those quoted in the Auvergne ; precise figures can vary between Regions .
5 Variables such as x and b in the preceding description are all specified by the user of the program , so that different situations can be modelled .
6 Because admitting your relationship is foundering is to acknowledge that your home , your security , your way of life and your dreams of the future are all heading for the rocks .
7 The M.Sc. , M.Litt. , and D.Phil. are all awarded on the examination of a thesis .
8 Major research programmes involving several research students within a single department are likely to lead to the completion of several theses within the same academic year .
9 Our proposals for attainment targets and programmes of study are those recommended by the Working Group .
10 Taken together these two propositions suggest that the traditions of conspiracy are liable to continue into the future on the extreme right , for no better reason than that this is where these traditions have existed and where they presently continue to exist .
11 The approaches to gathering linguistic information described in the next chapter are all based on the assumption that it is possible to sample a child 's language and that , under certain conditions , this will provide a useful indication of the child 's linguistic ability in other situations .
12 Held at Chilworth Manor , near Southampton , and organise by Hampshire Training and Enterprise Council , the one-day event examined the key issues which the industry are likely to face during the next three years .
13 More popular — because they were cheaper — than the Joshua Marshall type of resurrection monument were those produced from the yard of John and Matthias Christmas .
14 Stage 3 : A semi-open prison or low security gaol , the inmate being free to move about the grounds and working outside the facility during the day .
15 I was petrified because all my sheets and tableclothes and all my cutlery and silver were all stamped with the Embassy crest .
16 Rotas and overtime were all organised by the porters themselves who were operating what amounted to their own business within the hotel .
17 However , an action based solely on economic loss is unlikely to succeed under the normal law of negligence .
18 Less than an hour later , at Bath , the strain of running the campaign as party chairman only to lose his own seat is painful to see in the face of Chris Patten , who bites his lip .
19 You can work out the number of fish a pond is able to support from the surface area and size of fish .
20 If legal help is sought , the lawyer is likely to rely on the precedents which are published .
21 This tuck stitch is easy to work on the Singer Big Nine and you can see from this sample that by working with a lighter shade for the background for the first four pattern repeats followed by a darker one for the background , similar amounts of yarn have been used over the same number of rows .
22 However , the temperature-sensitive mutation is sufficiently altered in function , at both permissive and non-permissive temperatures , that the cell is able to function with the levels of R-M activity produced , without excision of the cloned ts - hsd genes .
23 With the advent of computers enabling researchers to process large amounts of data , such research is likely to increase in the future .
24 If in the circuit of figure 10.11(a) the input current of the operational amplifier is negligible compared with the current through resistance R , then Now for a sinusoidal signal of pulsatance ο , the amplitude of is ο times that of .
25 They have argued that most crime is petty and that the increase in recorded crime is more to do with the public 's decreased tolerance than anything else :
26 Swinging left then , he began following the fence 's long sweep to the south .
27 The effect is plain to see in the way that the velocity curves change with time in Fig. 8.7(a) .
28 Whether or not a ‘ flypaper ’ effect is prevalent depends on the relative size of the price and the income elasticities of demand .
29 Needle-knife papillotomy is probably a safer option than pre-cutting with a sphincterotome where the wire emerges from the end , as the direction of the cut is easier to control with the needle-knife and there is less danger of damage to the pancreatic duct .
30 It takes 12 Britons to do the work of nine Germans or of eight Japanese , which suggests that a good many more redundancies will have to be declared before British industry is able to compete on the world markets .
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