Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [verb] in the same " in BNC.

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1 If a chimpanzee and a canary are raised in the same house as a child , neither of these two companions ever learns to talk like a human .
2 At the moment it is possible for some people to complain that because the policy is set and also administered centrally , teams for a major championship marathon are picked in the same way as sprint squads .
3 Popular culture , thus , and high modernism were born in the same places at about the same time .
4 Entry is achieved in the same way as any other type of module via a package and an active DC .
5 The battery compartment is located in the same place , so you wo n't have to shred your hand through the soundhole to effect a changeover .
6 This effect is best corrected by observing the exhaust smoke and trimming the model so that the tail boom is pointing in the same direction that the smoke is being blown .
7 The invariant of any other four-vector is formed in the same way by taking the difference of the squares of its time and space components .
8 Unlike in the private sector , borrowing for investment was treated in the same way as borrowing to finance current spending ( on labour or raw materials ) .
9 The severity of oesophagitis in patients with Barrett 's oesophagus was classified in the same way as in other patients and depended on the endoscopic appearance of the oesophageal mucosa above the neosquamocolumnar junction .
10 This figure was painted in the same syrupy pastel shades as the rest of the crucifix , but when Zen tapped it the head resounded not with the dull thud of plaster but with a light metallic ring
11 The symbolism is interpreted in the same way as Figure 4.9(a) with the exception that the character H indicates a value beyond the upper limit specified by elective 5 .
12 The symbolism is interpreted in the same way as Figure 4.9(a) with the exception that the character H indicates a value beyond the upper limit specified by elective 5 .
13 A qualitative analysis of the various subtests can be used to identify specific difficulties with grammar and as an indication of whether the child is progressing in the same way as most normal children , or whether there are signs of deviant patterns .
14 Vechey was dressed in the same clothes as yesterday .
15 HLA-B51 , as well as HLA-B53 , is immunoprecipitated by the antibodies used , so data on peptide binding to this HLA type was obtained in the same experiments : only peptides sh1 , sh6 and cp6 , but not cp6.1 nor cp6.2 , bound to HLA-B51 .
16 And because my girl was hurt in the same crash … she 's going to be all right , but it 's a shock seeing her so pale in a hospital bed … . ’
17 But while in Rome ius honorarium was administered in the same courts as the ius civile , in England law and equity , until the judicature Act 1873 came into effect in 1875 , were administered in different courts .
18 Records added to a file are blocked in the same way as the original data and not unblocked as in ISAM .
19 Radiographs of the various individual heads taken for the Museum of Modern Art show that originally the faces of the figures at the right were painted in the same idiom as that of the figure at the left.1 Since the head of the standing figure represents an intermediate stage between that of the figure at the left and the one directly below it , it follows that the squatting figure , the still life and the drapery at the right were the last parts of the picture to be painted .
20 This is an exception to the normal rules — normally a champion/boss is armed in the same way as his unit .
21 With one exception , the right of stoppage in transit is lost in the same circumstances as is the seller 's lien .
22 A FEW years ago , unemployment and sickness insurance for a mortgage was regarded in the same light as private health insurance is now : fine if you could afford it , but not essential .
23 Therefore , the babies ' body mass curve was calculated in the same manner as for adults , from birth length and birth weight , and this measure was substituted for birth weight in the regression equation .
24 All students on a particular module are assessed in the same way .
25 The different types of credit are listed in the same order as on page 26 , for comparison .
26 The OR Staff are quite rightly intent on seeking battle-winning performance ; the scientists and technologists enjoy and rise to the challenge ; and so both the principal groups of participants in equipment development are pushing in the same direction without an effective countervailing force .
27 The director had told her most of the cast and crew were staying in the same hotel , and a room had been reserved for her there , too .
28 BBCBASIC(Z80) Z80 assembler is entered in the same way as the BBC Micro 6502 assembler .
29 The capital shortage was exacerbated in the same year by a massive interest rate mis-match in the treasury book that eventually cost more than £300m .
30 He went down country with the Army , and there 's a big difference between there and up here — it 's not a place where economy is considered in the same way , so maybe he learned some bad habits , such as a tendency to alcoholic drink .
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