Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [verb] at [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Stocks and work in progress are valued at the lower of cost , including appropriate manufacturing overheads , and net realisable value .
2 They were first styled nobiles viri only in 1256 , and a tendency towards a late crystallization of a titled noblesse at this level is found in much of south-west France , with the possible exception of the vicomté of Béarn and other areas where primogeniture and impartible inheritance were established at an earlier date .
3 Household formation is increasing at a faster rate than the population as a result of smaller families , increase in the divorce rate and longer life spans .
4 The aisle is roofed at a lower level than the nave and the triforia have the function of masking the lean-to roofs which cover these vaults .
5 Moreover , unemployment benefit is paid at a lower rate , and , for a married couple , is valued at only 54 per cent of the level of the pension paid to a retired couple .
6 We know that the controls over tobacco sponsorship of sport do not have the affect that Mr. Lawson attributes to them , because all the academic research shows that the tobacco industry 's sponsorship of sport is aimed at a younger market .
7 The second half was played at a faster pace and in the 65th minute Dromara went further ahead with a well taken goal by Johnstone following a fierce attack on the home goal .
8 Precisely this question was raised at an earlier stage in our discussions , and I pointed out then that the Government had not come clean at all on the issue of freight and what would happen to freight .
9 One group on low income who will lose out consists of those people living in areas where the poll tax is levied at a higher rate than the Government calculates , and who in consequence will have to meet a 20 per cent poll tax bill that is larger than that calculated by the 20 per cent met by the Government .
10 A few seconds later a second flock was seen at a higher level and directly in the aircraft 's flight path .
11 In order to conform with SSAP9 , most companies include a note in their annual accounts to the effect that : ’ The individual parcels of freehold land held for development are valued at the lower of cost or estimated net realisable value .
12 Experiments using the flavour-aversion techniques , comparing intervals of 1 day versus 24 days ( McIntosh and Tarpy 1977 ) , and of 1 day versus 21 days ( Kraemer and Roberts 1984 ) , have found that latent inhibition is diminished at the longer interval .
13 This means that the extra payments received for overtime beyond the scheduled week are earned at an earlier stage in large firms .
14 These were that the maximum speed of flights was to be reduced from 835 kmph to 778 kmph and that the amount of time permitted at the lowest level of 75 metres was to be cut from 28 to 15 minutes , with the rest of the flight being made at no lower than 150 metres .
15 To me that was total irresponsibility , especially as the magazine is aimed at a younger readership .
16 Our policy is to recruit at the lower levels and train those staff who show aptitude for managerial responsibility .
17 If the motor is to operate at a higher speed then the induced voltage is larger and the applied voltage must also increase , so that current flows into the winding over the extended speed range .
18 The best method is to begin at the fainter of the two Pointers ( Agena , or Beta Centauri ) and extend a line from it through Alpha Trianguli Australe ; prolonged for far enough this will lead to Alpha Pavonis in the Peacock , after which the other Birds can be sorted out .
19 Sometimes , clients make various private agreements between themselves concerning part of the money being paid at a later date , or in cash .
20 The lower order changes in responsibility were considered at a later stage when working with Principals to determine the detailed changes required at individual Colleges .
21 Many , but not all , of those above the line are based at the bigger aerodromes with concrete/asphalt runway(s) , which often means higher rents , rates and landing-fees .
22 All teams work on individual specifications , with the interaction and integration being handled at a higher level .
23 Thirty-five years Stamp Duty is charged at a lower rate if the term does not exceed thirty-five years ( Stamp Act 1891 , Sched 1 as amended ) .
24 The conceptual line between the systems world and the real world was crossed at a later stage when the information model was used to explore what was actually happening in practice .
25 There are indications that the US trade deficit is increasing at a lower rate , and that inter-governmental cooperation has contributed to an orderly decline in the dollar 's foreign exchange value .
26 Attendance Allowance is paid at a lower rate to people who require personal care or attention by day or night , and at a higher rate to those requiring care by day and night .
27 The cheese is sold at no younger than two years and up to five years old .
28 At the UDF 's third conference on May 19 a majority of delegates supported the walkout and demanded that UDF MPs should support further such protests if the demand for new elections were not met , and this radical position was reaffirmed at a further UDF national conference held in June .
29 However the evidence suggests ( see pages 75–6 ) that it is more likely that this decision was reached at a later date , when the force of events made it seem imperative .
30 If the House were to decide at a later stage to enter a single currency , it would be , first , because it had decided that the economic convergence conditions in Europe were right for a single currency to be beneficial to this country .
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