Example sentences of "[noun sg] bring [adv] by the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is a condition brought about by the combined effect of evolution and civilisation and for everyone it is quite unavoidable .
2 Or maybe she was experiencing a sort of nightmare or hallucination — some kind of unfortunate delusion brought on by the overwhelming stress and strain of her job … ?
3 One is the change in product mix brought about by the changing relative price of products which have had microelectronics incorporated into them .
4 In part , McKenna sees this as a natural reaction to the ecological crisis brought on by the modern era .
5 Benefits of this system include an improvement in urban fuel economy of between 8 and 14 per cent , remarkably stable idling with a reduction from 900 rpm to 825 rpm and a consequent gain in comfort and also a reduction in pollution brought about by the lower fuel consumption .
6 The major inhibitions to this process are a natural reserve , the fact that people may not be used to being open about their feelings , a lack of trust caused by limited understanding and , finally , reserve brought about by the relative status of team members , personality and gender issues and a lack of training .
7 The erosion is believed to have been caused by a combination of : i ) the relative rise in sea level brought about by the slow sinking of southeastern England ; ii ) an actual rise in sea level locally since the 1970s ; and iii ) the reduction of saltmarshes due to human-made sea defences .
8 This drably official account of the matter was not welcomed by the media of the day , who looked for more exciting explanations , such as a double suicide brought on by the well-known English affliction of ‘ spleen ’ , or a murder of Mrs Pattison by Mr following his discovery that she was pregnant by a young ‘ Milord ’ .
9 None the less , it is clear both that they are substantial and that they have to be offset against any putative gains in efficiency brought about by the internal market .
10 The result of this is that when line ‘ C ’ is fixed , the rate of turn brought about by the lateral position of the connecting ring is reduced when the ring is moved up , and increased when the ring is moved down .
11 It seemed to Preston that if you avoided being stabbed to death by terror gangs , you stood an even chance of being burned to death by sudden conflagration , or pushed on to the live line by a psychopath lurking among the rush-hour crowds , or struck down by a heart attack brought on by the extreme rage and frustration of trying to understand a platform announcement .
12 I could never get over the transformation of the vast auditorium by the dimming of the lights , the beautiful changes of colour on the curtains , and the anticipation brought on by the roaring lion , the muscle man with his gong the snow capped mountain , the searchlights probing the 20th Century .
13 It is the drastic reduction in kinship links , and especially those supporting the elderly , consequent upon the fall in fertility brought about by the one-child policy , which makes the project significant to the ageing process in the world 's oldest political society .
14 The civil rights initiative was put in the context of a changed situation brought about by the Anglo-Irish Free Trade Agreement and the moves to join the EEC .
15 It is a dynamic system of continuous progressive changes due to external environmental conditions and to the processes of synthesis and decay brought about by the living organisms within the soil itself .
16 I still feel that the situation brought about by the local BDA group was an unnecessary , waste of valuable hospital resources .
17 I still feel that the situation brought about by the local BDA group was an unnecessary waste of valuable hospital resources .
18 The regulatory regime brought in by the Financial Services Act has been costly and disruptive for offices and confusing for their customers .
19 Production for most of Europe is centred on Grimsby but the reduced paperwork brought about by the Single Market means that the UK site can now deliver to Europe within 24 hours .
20 By comparison , the Athens of Aristophanes ; own day , at the end of the century , was a city fallen from greatness , and not only because of the protracted destruction brought about by the Peloponnesian war .
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