Example sentences of "[noun sg] try [verb] [art] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 This little side-play caused Peggy to stop and wonder , and it also gave Lizzie the opportunity to try to bring a smile to her daughter 's face and perhaps ease the tension she saw there .
2 Twice the trainer tried to sell the horse to the Seagram company and twice they refused .
3 The rest of the team try to throw the ball to their catcher and if they succeed they get a point .
4 The king tried to rally the city to his defence , but failed utterly and withdrew westwards with the Despensers and a few remaining friends .
5 They 've been calling us cheats , but I had to call on our manager to try to put a stop to some of their own little tricks at Headingley .
6 The man , who was wearing a black balaclava tried to pull the boy to the ground , but he managed to struggle free .
7 Whether it is the timidly smiling cleric having tea , the piously confident student talking about the way in which Jesus warms up his or her heart , or the aggressively confident know-all trying to recall the country to ‘ civilisation ’ , it is a similar picture of inability to come to terms with the way in which most people in Western societies live .
8 That is an example of an institution joining the Government to try to provide a solution to a serious problem .
9 By means of his smart plumage and his simple song , the male tries to attract a female to his nest site .
10 Every time the gel on the other end tried to bring the conversation to a polite close , I 'd crank up with another round of exasperatingly slow , repetitive , thread-losing , stammering ramblings .
11 If the lexical analyser tries to expand a line to more than 255 characters , a " Line space " error will be reported .
12 It is the counsellor 's task to try to move the discussion to these underlying meanings of words used in anger .
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