Example sentences of "[noun sg] must [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If the amendment is seconded by another person who has not spoken on the original motion , the Chairman must accept it as a new motion , subject to the provisos that the amendment is not a simple negative of the motion ; is relevant ; does not cover ground that has been dealt with under a previous amendment ; and is not frivolous nor illegal .
2 A female that moves in with an already paired male must share him with the other females .
3 Manufacturers and distributors of spare parts for computer equipment must familiarize themselves with the " must-fit " and " must-match " exceptions and their scope .
4 Though apparently free , it needs its controller ; but the controller must release it to the natural powers , the wind and the air-thermals , if he wants to enjoy its flights .
5 The hero must extort something of the demon 's power .
6 Especially , your Assassin must divest herself of every tiny hidden trick .
7 This held true even in marriage ( a man who loved his wife too passionately was an adulterer , said St Jerome , who was not a man you 'd invite to parties ) ; and rampant millenarianism encouraged the tendency , since if you think that the end of the world , no , this world , is imminent , then procreation must seem something of a waste of time , and preparing your soul for Judgement Day will be pushed up your list of priorities .
8 If you are weekly tenant your landlord must provide you with a rent book otherwise he/she may be guilty of a criminal offence .
9 The package module must contain itself as a SELECTED version , and the issue number must match the last entry in the MODIFICATION-RECORDS-ARE field .
10 The right hon. Gentleman must address himself to the new situation which is developing and in which there will be a single currency .
11 By the time Elizabeth arrived Lydia was prepared to welcome her , since any additional flavour must add something to the evening , which was like Betty 's meatless stock into which she kept putting more and more dried herbs and burned onion in an effort to make it taste of something .
12 A historical theory must validate itself against a future whose demand , ultimately , is the redemption of the democratic claim buried within the long struggles for and by ‘ the people ’
13 The jury must place themselves in the accused 's position with the accused 's knowledge .
14 In framing its monetary policy , a government must address itself to a number of important questions :
15 But for this to be achieved , the government must acknowledge it as a problem worth solving .
16 A woman who has given birth must immerse herself in a mikva before she can resume sexual relations with her husband .
17 A bride must immerse herself in a mikva before her wedding .
18 The guiding principle of the Okapi research is that the system must adapt itself to the user rather than the converse .
19 A sociology of culture must concern itself with the institutions and formations of cultural production , for this is one of the most distinct of its fields .
20 The Toraja believe we have many layers of spirits , or astral bodies , which at death must detach themselves like the skins of an onion so each may find its proper place .
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