Example sentences of "[prep] having [to-vb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I would like you to watch me interview him ’ — immediately lets the class off the hook of having to participate in the normal way .
2 In fact they spend so much time flying head first into burns , one would have thought they could save even more time by simply opening their mouths and taking on water without the inconvenience of having to reach for the day-glo bottle .
3 Borgman ( 1982 ) in a later article added that the older child ‘ who keeps in touch does not experience the guilt of having to choose between the adoptive and biological parents ’ ( p. 218 ) .
4 You may be better advised to start again , possibly finding your candidates by a different method , than risk the problems of engaging an inadequate candidate and being faced with all the disruption of having to go through the whole process at a later stage anyway .
5 Instead of having to go through the hoary old DOS prompt when you boot up , you 'll go straight into Windows .
6 Absorption or wet scrubbing as it is often called has however the disadvantage of having to dispose of the liquid effluent obtained , which may itself require treatment before disposal , and has led to the comment that we may be merely replacing one effluent problem by another by using this method .
7 Less than an hour later they were back in number twenty-six , and she was so tired that she was past worrying about having to sleep in the same room but , confronted by the reality of the limited space , two small beds and a very large , powerful man , her nervous fears came back like a river in full spate .
8 The news comes as BA is still licking its wounds from having to apologise for the dirty tricks campaign conducted against its smaller rival , Virgin Atlantic , and the early retiral of its former chairman , Lord King .
9 Apart from having to go over the unpleasant details of Froggy 's death yet again , I had a nasty feeling that Inspector Drew 's bright and suspicious eyes masked darker ideas about my role in Froggy 's murder .
10 Though explicitly Christian , ‘ Journey of the Magi ’ forms between the earlier and later work a bridge over which the reader ( with access to the gospel word ) may cross into the release of Christianity , the new birth ; but , denied that access , the speaker of the poem can only seek relief in death to escape from having to return to the old way in which he is ‘ no longer at ease ’ .
11 Apart from having to compete with the other half a dozen or so suppliers like Santa Cruz Operation Inc and Sun , USL has no real marketing experience .
12 It is no wonder that Ministers do not understand the problems local government faces in having to prepare for the final year of poll tax , in having to work out how to collect the current year 's poll tax , in having to prepare the software for collection of the council tax .
13 Some pupils expressed strong negative views on having to deal with the two systems , and several tasks were tried out in two versions , one with metric units and one with Imperial units , the version with Imperial units often proving to be easier .
14 This upward jerk can be very painful and is sometimes enough to dishearten the attacker and allow the hedgehog to scuttle away to safety without having to resort to the passive rolling-up defence .
15 Similarly , Message Queue Interface should improve the efficiency with which loosely coupled systems work : travel agents , for example should be able to request flight information from one system and get straight on filling in other details without having to wait for the remote system to respond .
16 Willy De Roose may have struck a lucky year enabling him to make the voyage from the Atlantic to the Pacific without having to winter in the Arctic but he did do an enormous amount of preparation and historical reading beforehand for his planning of the voyage so that he was able to snatch opportunities whenever they came .
17 Another good way of practising the start without having to go through the exhausting rig recovery is to sail along and lower yourself into the water .
18 Claydon has made no secret of the fact that his immediate goal is to win enough to secure a Tour Card for 1990 without having to go to the Qualifying School at La Manga .
19 If , later on , you want to change the data in the table , you can do it in your document without having to go near the original spreadsheet .
20 I returned to the toll office , got our money refunded plus a signed waiver that allowed us seven days to return to St Michael without having to pay on the Austrian roads .
21 Fief-rentes provided kings with a pool of mercenaries on whom they could call without having to compete in the open market with other war-lords .
22 Then Stren was in front of them , his sword appearing to materialise an inch from their throats without having to pass through the intervening air .
23 Today the president , Mrs Macpherson , in between gracefully shaking hands with each new arrival and presenting her to Mrs MacDonald , decided that she was nothing but a vulgar upstart , and she trembled with suppressed irritation at having to stand in the same receiving line with her .
24 He is said to be devastated at having to dispose of the famous art works and family silver and furniture .
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