Example sentences of "[prep] case [pers pn] [modal v] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If they want their own snappy one they would , you 're quite right , it 's not necessarily handing them the bad one on a plate just in case they might use it .
2 bodies you see in case they would lift them .
3 Certain people , perhaps because they were friendly with one doctor but held a higher opinion of the professional ability of the other , took to carrying cards in their pockets which gave the relevant instructions in case they should find themselves too far gone to claim the doctor they wanted .
4 They did n't tell her that they wanted to see whether it was still empty , just in case they could have it for Brownie Pack Meetings .
5 He wanted it to be a surprise for you , and I 'm only telling you in advance in case — in case you should think it might have been me . "
6 But when Bernard 's plan backfired I needed you alive in case you could lead me to Graham .
7 When Mr Steen rang on Friday afternoon to say he was n't certain whether or not he was returning to London at the weekend , she had checked the petrol in the car in case he might want it .
8 She had n't told him in the beginning because it was totally unimportant to her — her family was not religious — and then , after they had been married a while and she had discovered he was extremely intolerant about various classes of people — not Jews , in fact , but Negroes and Catholics — she had been afraid to tell him in case he should think she had deliberately concealed her origins because she had not trusted him .
9 ‘ They seem to think I should stand on my own two feet — which is only right and proper , ’ she added hastily in case he should think she was whingeing .
10 More than once , though , she slipped in close and slid his dirk from its sheath , in case he should use it against himself .
11 ‘ I had never met the man , but a friend had given him my number in case he could help me with my research , ’ says Lynsey .
12 One , make sure I have every afternoon , Monday to Friday , free in case she will let me be with her .
13 Lucy remarks to her pupils , in conversation , that she considers ‘ falsehood worse than an occasional lapse in church-attendance ’ ; thereafter a cool distance is kept between her and her pupils , in case she should influence them wrongly .
14 He dialled Mallachy immediately , in case she should pre-empt him .
15 One nurse described how she always knocks at the door of a private room if there is a terminally ill patient in case she should catch them crying .
16 However , many things had happened during the two years since she had been told that her mother had died of the fever and that , prior to this , she had not been allowed to see her in case she should catch it and spread it further .
17 If there was anything she could n't cope with herself she would ask Mossy Rooney , a man of such silence and discretion that he found it hard to reveal his own name in case it might incriminate someone .
18 I did not switch on the light in case it should dazzle her .
19 I hung on , keeping one eye on Neil in case I could help him , and the other on Stormy Petrel .
20 I woke up frightened at having my knife and pill-bottles in the tent in case I should end my life during my night 's sleep .
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