Example sentences of "[prep] any [noun sg] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 If a batch of a product is close to the specification limit in respect of any parameter at the time of manufacture then even a slight change may mean that it no longer complies with its specification , so that its effective shelf-life is very short .
2 ‘ You can check with whoever you like but I was totally exonerated of any blame at the time , and I resent you and your family 's implications that I was responsible for Eddie 's death !
3 Finland , bound by its treaty of friendship with the Soviet Union , effectively ruled itself out of any participation for the time being .
4 I was afraid of any alternative at the time " .
5 Even more alarming is that over a third of the victims are not directly touching the dog in any way at the time of the attack , according to US studies .
6 He was more concerned with prevention than repression ; and in any case by the time he wrote it had been shown that repression could be safely left in the hands of the Romans .
7 In the case of stepped interest bonds , the stated rate of interest for each accounting period does not reflect the true economic cost of borrowing in any period during the time the bond is outstanding , since low rates of interest in one period are compensated by higher rates in another .
8 Continuing demands by the Church of the colleges and courses for ever more subjects , without any increase in the time of training , means that priorities have to be set .
9 In the face of such resolve the opposition finally collapsed , at any rate for the time being .
10 An earlier proposal that solicitors employed by foreign lawyers in England and Wales should be allowed to give legal advice to clients of the practice as well as doing non-reserved work for such clients has been dropped , at any rate for the time being until some adequate system of regulation can be devised .
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