Example sentences of "[prep] time to the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Remember that velocity stands for the ratio of total spending over a period of time to the stock of money available .
2 It was not disputed that teachers ought to be aware of the relation between educational success and failure and the language children being to school , or that some teachers need to give a good deal of time to the study of reading .
3 Neither have I been someone who devotes an enormous amount of time to the care of my own face and figure .
4 The over-straining in capital expenditure : ( 1 ) will not be accompanied by actual construction to a corresponding extent ; ( 2 ) will lead in time to the curtailment of work already under way ; ( 3 ) will react unfavourably on other branches of production ; ( 4 ) will exacerbate the goods famine in every direction ; and ( 5 ) will finally retard the speed of development .
5 ‘ Lonely This Christmas ’ by Mud was playing of the radio and I was swinging my body from side to side in time to the music in order to pass the time .
6 It was as if Jack had stepped back in time to the scene of an earlier age .
7 For Simon , it was like stepping back in time to the turn of the century .
8 For Simon , it was like stepping back in time to the turn of the century .
9 He was told to imagine that he had travelled back in time to the afternoon of the abduction and was watching the events unfold on a television documentary .
10 John Dalton 's action seems to have been very near in time to the crisis in his own life when he was temporarily imprisoned for his support of the Earl of Lancaster .
11 ‘ I 'm not sure I 've got anything to say , ’ he said , and closed his eyes , his foot jogging up and down in time to the beat of the dance band on the gramophone .
12 Still to come : Princes Risborough travels back in time to the summer of nineteen forty .
13 ‘ Mark you , ’ he said , ‘ I did have a fantasy of doing it with you on some lonely western strand , in time to the roaring of the Atlantic .
14 ‘ Two Priests up the Jungle ’ ( which is what Old Fish Sparks sings from time to time to the tune of Red Sails in the Sunset ) — sure , but it 's about the sort of conflict running through human life in every time and every civilization .
15 IT IS arguable that successive British Governments , although paying lip service from time to time to the notion of being able to change the institutions of the EEC ‘ from within ’ , have never in reality held out much hope of doing so ; rather , perhaps , has it been their true intent to use the institutions of the EEC to shape the policy of Europe in their own image .
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