Example sentences of "[prep] some [noun sg] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Cobalt took a sip from his glass , then resumed : ‘ Yesterday he rang with a yarn about some trouble at the hotel .
2 When they acquired their homes , they persuaded the council to section off some land at the back , and that became their secret garden .
3 On the bad side , the lack of a notch filter is unfortunate and there are a number of faults — the ‘ clip ’ indicators , the noisy switch and the badly imbalanced outputs — which indicate the need for some re-thinking at the factory .
4 Mr George Henry Quarry , a Belfast solicitor was then applied to for some land at the top of Carrickblacker Road but initially there was no response from him and other possible sites investigated were some ground opposite where James 's Street now stands and land behind where the little Roman Catholic church was later built ( now Pritchard 's Motors ) and near the site of Edenderry Orange Hall .
5 They 've been doing it for some time at the Biro , Perth is
6 I always get on very well with English prisoners of the R. A. F. I worked for some time at the prison camp where you 'll be going tomorrow , and there I made many good English friends , especially — . ’
7 After some experience at the fluid level the design tends to fall into a pattern of application areas and sales volume begins to increase .
8 After some experience at the fluid level the design tends to fall into a pattern of application areas and sales volume begins to increase .
9 Internal squabbles will never divide this nation like it has others because America has a constitution that will ultimately hold it together , despite some stretching at the seams .
10 And in fact , quite fortuitously we did bring along a plan today which has a six mile radius , erm from the Centre of York which was er the subject of some discussion at the greenbelt local plan enquiry and by and large , erm there is some consistency between the outer boundary or the greenbelt erm and the Greater York study area , both at around about six miles from the city centre .
11 I ca n't remember the exact circumstances but it was about West Bank leaving the district , a matter of some sensitivity at the time .
12 This is an area of some controversy at the moment in psychology , where one of the holy grails is the attempt to provide empirical evidence for the intuitively reasonable idea that there can be a dissociation of behaviour from consciousness .
13 Peeping over the low parapet , I saw men in overalls building a platform or stage of some sort at the foot of the choir-screen steps .
14 Progress towards political diversity under Vietnam 's , primarily economic , Doi Moi or " rejuvenation " campaign [ see p. 36696 ] suffered a number of setbacks during the latter half of 1989 , as CPV leaders reacted with some unease at the trend towards pluralism among their communist allies in Eastern Europe .
15 She recognised at once the well-built woman who turned from some chore at the kitchen sink as the woman who had opened the door to her last Friday .
16 Martin , who represented Fulham in the Conservative interest , lived in some style at the Albany in Piccadilly and liked to remark that ‘ every passing year — do n't you find , dear boy — is just more fun than the last ? ’
17 He may have cooperated with the Danes in some way at the siege of Canterbury in 1011 , and it was maybe in 1023 that he received the bishopric of Sherborne after the expulsion of Bishop Brihtwine .
18 Is this because stylistics feeds off other , more clearly defined , areas within linguistics rather like a poor relation , or because it is in some sense at the interface of these other disciplines ?
19 Lowering his eyes , he stared in some bemusement at the men 's over-large dungarees she was wearing .
20 Since The Machine Gunners found the biggest audience , it is useful to look in some detail at the range of reasons offered by teachers for its popularity .
21 The book then looks in some detail at the Reagan energy plan , condemning it as ‘ unbearably expensive , socially disruptive , and needlessly damaging to the long-term national interest ’ .
22 In order to understand how the authorities endeavour to influence interest rates in order to constrain bank lending , we need to look in some detail at the markets for bills and money .
23 In this section I will look in some detail at the DUP 's role in recent illegal demonstrations and marches , the party 's attitude to law-breaking , and the complex relationship between the DUP and working-class loyalists .
24 She looks in some detail at the process by which the counter-revolutionary attack on women 's liberation took place .
25 At the bottom of the scale would be a copy autographed by the author in some bookshop at the outset of a publicity campaign .
26 Hoti Lal Parishar , the veteran chairman of the local Congress ( I ) committee , admits to some bemusement at the complications caused by Vishwendra Singh 's challenge to the sitting MP .
27 ‘ Look at that ! ’ said Beverley , pointing to some writing at the bottom of the map .
28 All will be disturbed and unhappy to some extent at the loss of familiar surroundings and some will be deeply hurt in their capacity to trust and respond to the people who endeavour to provide substitute homes .
29 Chairman , can we , you know , you recall we discussed at some length at the P A G.
30 After hearing defence submissions that the £600,000 payout to Mrs Sutcliffe was ‘ perverse and excessive ’ , Lord Donaldson said : ‘ It may be that the general jury approach to newspaper libel at the moment is tempered by some indignation at the way some branches of the Press are run — coupled with the feeling that , if you can get £1m on the pools , why should n't you get £1m on the newspapers too ?
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