Example sentences of "[prep] all the [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This is not only practical but the effect of the curve is also very pleasing , particularly after all the flat façades that have been passed to reach the palazzo .
2 ‘ The Purple Hour , ’ said Raynor softly , and Grainne smiled , and thought that after all the old legends and the old myths had been right .
3 We thought he was wasting his time after all the hard work and studying he had done , ’ says Brian Gedge .
4 Of course , after all the hard work and extensive consultations carried out by the Mandate Review Committee , it was matters of the mandate that aroused most interest .
5 IF THE Home Unions XV are tempted — as they may be after all the disruptive absentees and injuries — to go into tonight 's Parc des Princes Bicentenary bash less than seriously , they should consider the way the French are treating it .
6 But we do think that the fact that they chose to launch it on the last day of our Conference is quite a compliment ; it was after all the Green Party that forced the government to produce the White Paper as a result of our fifteen% in the European Elections last year .
7 I feel too tired to sleep so I play some Despot when I get home but my heart 's not in it and the Empire is still in a tattered-looking state after all the earlier disasters and I 'm almost wondering if I should start again but that would mean going back to the fucking dawn of civilisation and the temptation in Despot is always to swap PoV , which people who do n't know the game always think sounds sort of innocent , like some detail , but it is n't : you 're not just swapping point of View , you 're swapping your current Despotic power Level for something less , even if it 's a regional lord or other king or a general or royal relation close to the throne , and it is not to be done lightly because as soon as you renounce the current Despot 's PoV the computer takes over and it 's a smart fucking piece of software .
8 Despite all the rational discussions that might ideally have been held before taking on tenancies , there 's nearly always one who takes liberties like this .
9 Finally , despite all the pejorative remarks and many statements along the lines of ‘ I personally do not think very highly of headhunters ’ , most accept fully that the headhunting business in Britain is here to stay .
10 The need for rehearsal of a formal Intervention is to strengthen the group resolve to give real positive help to the sufferer despite all the protestations- convolutions and deceptions that will be tried on by his or her disease .
11 For despite all the passing lovers and the casual one-night stands or five-minute fantasies , I was always essentially alone , a solitary .
12 DESPITE all the planetary ups and downs , the loyalty of friends will stand you in good stead .
13 This enormous gift that , despite all the trying things that went with it , Phoebe had received ; this capacity to look at a thing and know that , because it must be done , it is the doing of it that brings freedom and salvation .
14 They come here to make a success of their lives , which suggests to me that , despite all the gloomy statistics and stories that we hear from the Opposition , this is still a country of enterprise and opportunity , if one really wants to find that opportunity .
15 Despite all the fine statements that young people are the future of the country , they are still a disadvantaged group and will remain so until they are made a priority policy target .
16 London had the City , the Government and all its departments , the headquarters of all the major companies and pressure groups , all the people in the know — in short , as Pilger had said , all the stories .
17 I wrote to the editors of all the major newspapers and television channels asking them to cover the anniversary .
18 It is the most active and most geologically interesting — a test-bed , an ever-mobile demonstration of all the major forces and processes that shape the great structures of the planet .
19 Back in Paris , he expanded his government into a government of national unanimity , including representatives of all the major parties and Georges Bidault , the head of the CNR .
20 But we Scots were a bloodthirsty race then , and of all the black deeds that blacken Scottish history , I believe that the hunting of the Rannoch Macgregors was probably one of the most horrendous .
21 But overall , where girls were still in close contact with their parents , which the majority were , they were strong in praise of all the invaluable support and help , both financial and emotional , that they had got from them .
22 It was doubly difficult for Unionists to resist the substitution of Sir Henry Wilson for Robertson , for Wilson was the most Unionist of all the General Staff and Robertson had not enjoyed good relations with Unionists ; Derby 's weakness at the War Office and Law 's loyalty to Lloyd George were sufficient to defuse the situation .
23 Whatever it was , I began to be aware of all the doubts , of all the rational thoughts that I had put away in my pursuit of ‘ complementary ’ medicine .
24 Statistics show that typically it only accounts for two per cent of all the verbal behaviours that take place in a conversation .
25 A phonetic workchart is a table of all the phonetic sounds that you have recorded in the language .
26 One can either directly estimate the value of all the final goods and services ( a variant would be to estimate what every branch of production adds to the value of the goods it uses as raw materials ) .
27 ‘ She 'll know that anyway , ’ said Camille , ‘ on account of all the dirty dishes and the gâteau and stuff . ’
28 Jellie Dijkstra has published some telling information she discovered in Belgian archives : around one-third of all the fifteenth-century commissions and half of the sixteenth-century commissions request a copy of one kind or another .
29 I mean in so I I come here today with a petition that I presented that also talks about proposing to abolish the merger , I mean this is a move just one step away from that but I still feel in what was proposed at the last full council meeting and I would express my views to the officers that in light of what has been suggested today is actually implemented to the wording as it stands because the joint working party that had been er written up previously never did meet although if I can inform it was only the officers who actually met up and I hope that in light of all the working group and the two heads of centres covering for each other would be implicitly applied .
30 Beneath my feet and beside me to my right , were the sheer pale grey rocks that were the andesitic relics of all the ancient turbulence and torture which had been and was still being caused by the plates ' gentle , turgid but quite inevitable meeting .
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