Example sentences of "[prep] all [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 First of all we must rid ourselves of the belief that punishment is wrong if it causes pain or inconvenience and does not have the full interest of the criminal at heart .
2 Lucy says ‘ They always go home happier and friendlier — but most of all we must preserve their love of movement ’ .
3 First of all one can deflect it by denying that some forms of species solidarity are mere bias .
4 As for cost , even when we talk of technological development being , in health care , at the service of all who may need it , we realize that , in fact , its supply is limited , and the limitation is expressed usually in terms of cost .
5 ‘ Self-help ’ through mutual aid institutions remained crucial to the survival of all who could achieve it , with most such institutions expanding steadily .
6 er , first of all I would put it to my divisional board to my colleagues to ask for their thoughts and their advice erm , if they rejected it then it would n't go any further , if they approved it then it , because it was a budgetary item rather than just we can go out and spend it tomorrow , it was going into the following years budget , it would then go to the P L C board and they would have final say in whether that element should go into the , into next years budget
7 We 're going to now from first of all I 'll say it in order and then you can come up .
8 Well I mean first of all you 'll smell it .
9 Er first of all you will tell them that we want a contract .
10 Hello Kathy , I think first of all you should tell us what an area representative is .
11 Most of all she 'll miss you .
12 That 's about all I can tell you . ’
13 That 's about all I can tell you .
14 That 's about all I can tell you about that , but er it makes you wonder whether I had n't better keep out of Street , does n't it ?
15 I 've told you about all I can tell you .
16 Think about all I can give you . ’
17 He 's worked for his uncle ever since he left school , he lives in his uncle 's house and this is about all he can call his own .
18 France and England never pulled together , for all they might find themselves on the same side . ’
19 Above all we should resist it because it is really intended to allow legalised Euthanasia to sneak in by the kitchen window having been refused entry at the front door .
20 Above all they will expect you to be self reliant , to take decisions and to demonstrate a potential to motivate and lead others .
21 Above all he must conserve his overall lead .
22 The house I now rent could be let again and in all I might find myself with a handsome income .
23 The Beastline were interested in all she could tell them of Tara and of the exiled Court .
24 Although there has been some improvement , comprehensive preparation for an adult life , which includes employment , is not readily available to all who might need it .
25 The printer and publisher are responsible for making the printed piece available to all who will perform it .
26 We do n't go out to gather potatoes we go to hunt taters And the East Mainland do n't say that at all they would call them more tatties or taties
27 In terms of safety we are constantly looking at it and if we can learn anything at all we 'll put whatever procedures we can in place .
28 ‘ Is there any help at all you can give me , Mr Treadwell , on either Amy or Hereward ? ’ she 'd asked .
29 And there 's nothing at all you can cover them with ?
30 Any time , any time at all I 'll get you off .
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