Example sentences of "[prep] that [subord] you [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Well I 'm not bothered about that if you can get it .
2 And I was really upset about that as you can imagine !
3 The other thing is as well though you could 've actually got more out of Martin by talking about that because you may have mentioned something that he 's enjoying and says oh I do that , or something like that .
4 And we can have a look at some consequences of that so you could have short term , long term consequences .
5 ‘ What 's the point of that when you can buy a calculator ? ’
6 okay , okay erm yeah although normally you could do something like that while you can do that by phone you can call up and say yes we 're coming definitely just to get in touch and say it .
7 No but it 's still helpful like that cos you can see , well it looks as if , without measuring it accurately , it looks as if she spends half of it she actually saves half of it .
8 The lesson , then , is always have one positive swing thought to focus on while practising , and persevere with that until you can achieve it successfully .
9 Watch your elbow on that cos you could knock it off could n't you ? .
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