Example sentences of "[prep] which [vb mod] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The global system is most fruitfully conceptualized as a system that operates at three levels , knowledge about which can be organized in three spheres , namely the economic , the political and the cultural-ideological .
2 There are other ways of getting non-controversial private members ' bills through which may be looked at , including the Scottish Grand Committee .
3 Nothing had to get through which could be used by his enemies .
4 Courses are at present being run in London ( usually at Quintin School ) , the South West ( either at Dartmouth or Weston-Super-Mare ) , the North West ( Cheadle ) and in Edinburgh , Norfolk also run further training sessions ( details for which should be obtained from the Norfolk trainers ) .
5 For younger enthusiasts there will be an under-14 tournament , entries for which must be received before 1.30pm on the day .
6 There is an optional excursion to Abu Simbel , reservations for which must be made at the time of booking your holiday .
7 They also provide three-dimensional environments of enormous physical complexity , and hence contain numerous different niches , each of which might be exploited in many different ways , and in many different permutations .
8 This leaves around 1400km of post-collision convergence to be accounted for , much of which might be explained by a doubling of the thickness of the Tibetan crust during the past 50 Ma from a ‘ normal ’ value of 35 km to the present 70 km .
9 B.B.C. the House of Lords decided that a valuation court was not a court of law , the proceedings of which might be protected from outside influence by the law of contempt .
10 The advantages of such a mechanism are clear , it is possible to manipulate the model and thus understand the outside world in the sense of predicting what will happen without the potential costs of attempting to manipulate the real world and allowing things to happen , some of which might be considered to be unfortunate .
11 For example , the nine-member WEU ( perhaps with the other five European NATO members sitting as observers ) could decide on the operation of a European Reaction Force , at least part of which might be drawn from forces committed to NATO .
12 The second most characteristic external feature of many barns is the pitching hole , a window-like opening , covered by a wooden shutter , several of which might be provided in the side and end walls in order to pitch corn or hay into the barn from a cart standing outside .
13 The new Constitution restores the name Republic of Afghanistan , and provides for an executive President and a bicameral National Assembly , the lower house of which would be elected for a five-year term , with the upper house being partly elected and partly appointed .
14 It provided for an executive President and a bicameral National Assembly , the lower house of which would be elected for a five-year term , with the upper house being partly elected and partly appointed .
15 Further procedural changes should include improving the exchange of information between the parties , encouraging the issue of specific written Professional Standards relating to the conduct of all principal types of litigation by the Bar and the Law Society combined with schemes to foster competence and experience , introducing new arrangements for trials , particularly so that the judge can read the case papers ( including witness statements ) before the hearing , and so be much better prepared when the hearing begins , and , in cases where there are many documents , providing a bundle of key documents , abuse of which would be checked by a personal costs sanction against the solicitors involved .
16 Figure 6.5 is a model of the lunar interior , many features of which would be accepted by most scientists , though a minority would argue that it has yet to be established that the Moon has a global crust .
17 The proposals included the establishment of a regional parliament , the decisions of which would be binding on all member states , thus avoiding the need for ECOWAS resolutions to be ratified by individual governments .
18 In several provinces referendums were due to be held , the results of which would be binding on their legislatures .
19 The concept obviously implied certain practical requirements : regulated markets , allocation of materials , production targets , manpower planning — all of which would be operated through some structure of planning machinery .
20 It would inflict special damage on a person who had just posted a business letter the purpose of which would be defeated by any exceptional delay .
21 A classic case is the pressure brought to bear by the World Bank in agriculture in the 1970s in support of island projects , the efficiency of which would be ensured by hiving them off from executing ministries , and appointing expatriate ( mainly European ) managers to run them .
22 If a long hall was to be vaulted by a cross or groined vault the room would be divided by piers into square bays each of which would be covered by a cross vault .
23 They completed a standard application form , which included a declaration that the society would obtain a valuation of the property , a copy of which would be sent to the pursuers , and that no responsibility for the information therein would lie with either the society or the valuer .
24 Note that this general use of the term unit is different from that used in the NHS , where a unit is defined as an administrative subdivision of a health district and may itself consist of several hospital sites , each of which would be subdivided into cost/responsibility centres .
25 Later plans involved an additional expenditure of about £150 million to take the railway into Bank , about half of which would be met by the Canary Wharf developers ( see below ) .
26 Overall spending for environmental programmes was set to increase by $2,000 million , most of which would be spent on cleaning up radioactive and toxic waste at federal weapons facilities , preserving the country 's dwindling areas of wetland and researching into the effects of global warming .
27 This would in turn lead to an increase in their demand for imports of $18 billion a year , one third of which would be spent in the US .
28 They are , first , the reforms of industrial relations which have created harmonious working practices , all of which were opposed and many of which would be reversed by a Labour Government .
29 The next paragraph says that not only did Lord Young cut the published penalty clause for BAe from £650 million to £400 million as disclosed in the National Audit Office memorandum , but offered ‘ a private side-letter ’ waiving the penalty ‘ the text of which would be agreed with BAe in advance ’ .
30 He also announced the investigation of such allegations by a commission of inquiry , the composition of which would be agreed by the main political organizations .
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