Example sentences of "[prep] which [pers pn] [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The more seasoned tasters , I saw , were rolling the wine round their tongues and their eyes at the ceiling , after which they spat out the wines in the receptacles provided .
2 And yet the Festival proved not to be the beginning of the new civically planned and visually gayer Britain of which it held out a promise , but the swan-song of the era in which it was patriotic to put the community first and all pull together , as directed .
3 But Robbie Supple had been keeping his powder dry on Very Very Ordinary and there was nothing in the least ‘ ordinary ’ about the long , relentless charge with which they mowed down the leading pair between the last two fences .
4 By that time his feelings of resentment against his mother were fixed for life , and the imaginative intensity with which he called up the Devon landscape as a lost Eden of content had become a habit of mind .
5 Lechte 's ‘ Art , Love and Melancholy in the work of Julia Kristeva ’ is exemplary for the clarity with which it lays out the terms of Kristeva 's later work .
6 Their normal activity is a particular form of arbitrage , called " scalping " , in which they trade off the bid-ask spread : buying at the bid-price and selling at the ask-price .
7 We can organise them and lead them through highly prescriptive sessions in which they act out the teacher 's scenario .
8 yeah , yes verbally yes if we 're writing we 'd actually be six but it was it was the span of conception was n't it the capacity of the brain The span of conception says that if you deliver your presentation in groups of three in three themes and three subthemes then the audience is able to hold on to that and the way in which we set up the delivery or the way in which we delivered the structured thought pattern was through method
9 Her dislike of him was such that during the filming of A Letter to Four Wives , in which she picks up a photograph of a man and reacts with distaste , director Joe Mankiewicz used a photo of Preminger which prompted exactly the right expression from Darnell .
10 I refer to figures published by the Minister on 12 November , in which she sets out the number of prisoners currently held in police cells .
11 an added speed factor is the way in which you go over the waves — just like a ski racer , the longer you spend in the air the slower you go .
12 On Nov. 19 , 1990 , Lini conducted a reshuffle in which he took over the portfolios of Civil Aviation and Tourism ; Energy ; Fisheries ; and Foreign Affairs .
13 All this happened because one of the escaped officers had kept a diary in which he wrote down the names of everyone who had helped him .
14 There 's a story also of how I supposedly made him do take after take of a scene in which he slides down a rope until he was rope-burned so badly he had blood pouring from his hands .
15 His mills had a reputation for supplying everything from newsprint ( for The Times in the 1850s and 1860s ) to security paper , in which he built up a huge export business to Europe , the British empire , and South America for stamps and banknotes ( his customers included almost all the best-known banks ) .
16 The shadow chancellor , Gordon Brown , underlined this in a speech at Westminster in which he set out a series of measures to stimulate jobs .
17 I recently read a paper by an industrialist I greatly admire , Sir Arnold Hall , in which he pointed out the enormous changes that have occurred in such mature manufacturing businesses as diesel engines , electrical transformers , and small electrical motors .
18 Mr. Cooper replied by letter on 9 May 1983 , in which he pointed out the absolute necessity that tenants of the dock company should not be disturbed at a later date and seeking clarification that the council would not seek in the terms of their letter of 31 March to draw a distinction between ‘ extremely detrimental ’ and detrimental .
19 The council decide the policy but the official carries it out , and the way in which he carries out the instructions of the council is in accordance with his recognised professional skill and knowledge .
20 This exercise was perhaps most illuminating in the way in which it showed up the nerve ( or lack of it ) of the existing contractors ’ managements ; and the results demonstrated the inherent impossibility of combining apparently objective cash criteria with inevitably subjective judgements of quality .
21 Sophia went back into the house and came out again with a bowl of washing , from which she shook out a large Union Jack .
22 He drank some of the vodka before opening another drawer from which he took out a large folder .
23 She had a motorcycle herself on which she sped down the roads .
24 ‘ Any person who on any premises — as aforesaid , carries on an offensive trade without such consent , if any , as at the date of establishment of the trade was required by subsection ( 1 ) of this section … shall be liable for a fine not exceeding £5 for every day on which he carried on the trade — after receiving notice from the local authority to discontinue the trade ’ .
25 ( Daly 1975 , p. 75 ) and ‘ the ability of people to reach destinations at which they carry out a given activity … ’
26 The fossils showed that new groups originated in particular parts of the world , and focused attention on the process by which they expand around the globe , often exterminating more primitive forms as they go .
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