Example sentences of "[prep] which [pron] [modal v] [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Another of his innovations was inviting students to Sunday lunch , after which they would join the family in the garden and give ‘ much valuable help ’ .
2 Julie decided to top up her Californian suntan until Kitty Summerville called lunch , after which she would take a casual stroll to another of her favourite haunts as a child , the old summer house on the river bank .
3 For a new patient this whole process may take upwards of an hour , after which she will see the doctor again and , if anything has been found , will be started on appropriate treatment .
4 Mr Bernard Staite , boss of the consortium who operate the loco , commented : ‘ From November No 4472 will embark on a year long tour of private railways after which she will have a major overhaul .
5 There are far fewer areas in the simulated map about which one would risk a definitive statement than in the map from the unsimulated process .
6 ‘ My pupils accompanied me here for a fortnight 's holiday during which they would acquire the art of fish cookery . ’
7 As soon as it is over and both males are exhausted they have a brief opportunity during which they can launch an attack and win the harem from both of them , and this has been seen to happen .
8 They will give the theatre back to us for the opening and then we will give it back to them for the Summer during which they should solve the problem . ’
9 The truth is that I kept on having mental lapses , during which I could hear every word that was being spoken , understand the meaning of each word and even of some phrases , but could n't make these disparate utterances add up to anything that made sense .
10 The room itself is an object , with all its elements , carpets and hangings included , constituting an authentic whole , through which we can give a lesson in the development of style and taste .
11 Nor did he raise one word about the history of his own great movement , about the fact that the working people of this country were urged to organise and to use their vote , through which they could change the policies under which they lived .
12 State administrative agencies thus feed off the results of interest-group pressure , and interest groups find in the administration multiple points of access through which they can influence the formulation of government policy .
13 It is useful to point out that when using such materials choreographers must know their vocabulary very thoroughly and select movements through which they can emphasise the moment when disaster strikes .
14 Having chosen the story , theme or music , choreographers must consider the available living material through which they can mould the particular style of dance appropriate to their ideas .
15 There was frequently a hair-tidy of the same design on the dressing-table , a little dish with a lid , and a hole through which one could push the hair that came out on the comb .
16 At the end was an opening , now almost closed by the crowding trees and bushes , through which one could see the glimmer of the sea and the northernmost hill of the broch islet .
17 It may well be that some accountant has shown the society a loophole through which it can escape the obligations laid upon it at its foundation in 1914 .
18 Santa Monica , California-based Retix Inc has announced a global technology transfer agreement with Jtec Pty Ltd from somewhere Down Under , through which it will incorporate the latter 's ISDN terminal adaptor technology into the hot new Retix RISC-based RouterXchange 7000 multiprotocol router .
19 To his right was a high sunny window , through which you could see the high green leaves of St James 's Square .
20 Now and again , however , we caught glimpses of its Templar past : black Beauce crosses printed on the walls which the passage of time had not faded ; old arrow slits through which you could glimpse the snowy fields beyond ; small gargoyles , some depicting wyverns or dragons , others the faces of long-dead knights .
21 To escape this branding of myself as a bodily failure , I longed to be able to attach myself to an organisation stronger than myself , an association through which I could derive a feeling of physical achievement and personal status I would not otherwise possess .
22 Though I might , in working for a different future , find the struggle of women politically inspiring , I am unlikely to find a community in which women were not counted equal a medium through which I can gain a glimpse of God .
23 She generally lived in a room next to the church , which had a window in the wall through which she could watch the Mass and receive the sacraments .
24 Gripping the hammer in one fist and propping the hatch up with her free hand , she crouched low so that she had about an inch gap through which she could see the back door .
25 Furthermore , with the exception of one sample ( N55 , for which we can offer no explanation ) , there is a strong correlation between γ Os and 206 Pb/ 204 Pb , suggesting a low- 206 Pb/ 204 Pb component similar to the source of group II kimberlites and some lamproites for which a SCLM origin is favoured .
26 We try to bring about an environment in which creativity can flourish by selecting people of outstanding ability who wish to work on a problem of their own choice and for which we can imagine a substantial outcome .
27 It has regular outbreaks , for which we can find no reason , of one particular disease .
28 Fourth , many participants frankly admitted that they had very low expectations at the outset : specifically that the course was simply designed to punish them , in return for which they would give the minimum amount of attention possible .
29 Not only would their number have to be increased but they would also need to undergo years of specialized training for which they would expect a commensurate reward .
30 With slick efficiency successive Conservative administrations have used teacher unrest ( for which they must take a considerable share of responsibility ) as a justification for taking an even firmer control of the whole education service .
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