Example sentences of "[prep] his [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thereafter her life was devoted to ministering to him , reviving his poetic powers and love of nature after his withdrawal from the French revolution .
2 Hartlepool 's £60,000 striker Andy Saville went out to celebrate only hours after his debut in the 2–0 derby win over Darlington at the weekend .
3 The Wimbledon midfielder must answer a misconduct charge after his involvement in the controversial video ‘ Soccer 's Hard Men ’ .
4 The Wimbledon midfielder must answer a misconduct charge after his involvement in the controversial video ‘ Soccer 's Hard Men . ’
5 The child was christened Napoleon , Eugène , Louis , Jean , Joseph , and after his name in the baptismal register of ‘ the Imperial parish of Saint Germain l'Auxerrois ’ the Emperor wrote ‘ Son of France ’ , thus curiously reviving a custom of the ancien régime because , as he said : ‘ When an heir is born to perpetuate a national institution , that child is the whole country 's son : and this name will serve to remind him of his duties . ’
6 Inge was not himself a party to the latter proceedings and the verdict came only after his dismissal from the chief justiceship ( in June 1317 ) but it seems probable that the dismissal was connected with these charges .
7 That Johnson had so much social significance as a black man challenging white oppression , albeit in a symbolic way , was attested to by the scenes following his dismissal of Burns and after his defence against the revered bastion of white pride , Jim Jeffries .
8 The introduction to medieval and Renaissance literature that appeared some months after his death as The Discarded Image ( 1964 ) , based on the accumulated notes of lectures he had given for decades in Oxford and Cambridge , deals sympathetically with authors who , as he approvingly remarks , quote Homer and Hesiod ‘ as if they were no less to be taken into account than the sacred writers ’ ; and the break in the European spirit he saw as a consequence of the seventeenth-century scientific revolution is magnified here , in a sweeping argument , far beyond the familiar classroom shift from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance .
9 The inference which might be drawn from this analysis was that Eliot himself had conceived a homosexual passion for just such a young man and , when the article was reprinted four years after Eliot 's death , it was suggested to be Jean Verdenal , the Frenchman whom Eliot had met in Paris when he was a student there and to whom , after his death in the First World War , he dedicated Prufrock and Other Observations .
10 Later it was owned by the late John Bourne , a lord of Louth Manor , but it was auctioned after his death in the early 1980's .
11 But a greater tribute to his genius were the results that continued to be achieved after his death by the two clubs he had put on such solid foundations .
12 He became a household name after his role as the caddish Ralph Gorse in The Charmer — and even in those Lloyds Bank ads , he plays a smoothie with an eye for a pretty girl .
13 And I can tell you , buddy boy , that he 's Persona non grata with the US vehicle divisions after his comments about the future European trend toward smaller fuel economy vehicles at the EPC meeting . ’
14 It was after his move to the Italian manufacturer in 1974 that he enjoyed his first Grand Prix victory , at Jarama , in the Ferrari 312 .
15 In less than three years after his demob from the self-indulgent pastures of the peacetime RAF , Richard Burton turned himself into a great young classical actor — the heir and very apparent to Gielgud and Olivier ; and Hollywood was on the line , fishing for a new star .
16 Politburo ‘ conservatives ’ hardly had a coherent programme , and their numbers were subject to continual attrition ( Ligachev , who left the leadership after his defeat at the 28th Congress , was a notable casualty ) .
17 Original entrance arches , terraces , ponds , King Charles ' Walk , a reminder of Charles I 's four months ' imprisonment here after his defeat in the Civil War .
18 Party X , founded by emigré businessman Stanislaw Tyminiski after his defeat in the Polish presidential elections in November 1990 [ see pp. 37840-41 ; 38108 ] , was barred on Sept. 17 from fielding candidates in all constituencies except four , after it was discovered that many of the signatures on the party 's list of supporters were forgeries .
19 As Pierrefeu says of him , after his appointment to the Supreme Command :
20 A former employee of the Soviet KGB ( state security committee ) declared on Swedish television on March 10 that the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg , who had enabled thousands of Hungarian Jews to escape deportation to concentration camps during the Second World War , and who disappeared after his arrest by the Soviet military in Budapest in 1945 , had died in 1947 during a prison interrogation [ see also p. 37162 ] .
21 One of his pupils was Willie Pearse , younger brother of Patrick , who was executed the day after his brother on the 4th May , 1916 .
22 The only other Briton to win both Opens is Tony Jacklin who , incidentally , came to Jersey to live and play golf for a few years after his retirement from the professional circuit .
23 After his retirement from the British Museum in 1840 , John George Children went to live with his daughter at Sevenoaks , strengthening their collaboration in science .
24 ‘ He rates Richard as one of the best central defenders in the world after his performances in the European Championship finals . ’
25 On the very morning after his arrival in the Scottish capital the Duke left for Stirling , where the castle was proving too hard a nut for the Jacobites to crack , and , several hundred men having been lost to no purpose , the siege was finally , soon after the Battle of Falkirk , abandoned , Lord George Murray and other senior commanders having persuaded the prince , much against his will — ‘ Good God !
26 After his injury in the 400 metre semi final at the Barcelona Olympics , he had hoped to make a career in basketball .
27 The symbol of Biarritz 's predicament was Ondarts ' thorough demolition by his tormentors — first 23-year-old Michel Perie and , after his replacement in the 65th minute of the game , by a ferocious 20-year-old by the name Marc de Rougemont .
28 Despite his notoriety during the Cultural Revolution , Chen even secured a limited rehabilitation in the last years of his life and was allowed to do historical research at the Literature and History Museum in Peking .
29 Indeed , despite his disillusion with the present reality and underneath the modest ambition he communicated to Rohde , he cherished an almost missionary hope that if and when he was himself in a position to exert influence , the future of his subject might look altogether different .
30 Despite his knowledge of the trigger-happy propensities of the Dutch soldiery Mountbatten agreed to the introduction of Netherlands forces , previously held back in Malaya , early in March 1946 because ‘ the quality of these Netherlands troops was far superior to that of the forces which had originally landed in Java ’ .
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