Example sentences of "[prep] be use for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Use of PLATO has the disadvantage that special PLATO terminals have to be used for the instruction ; this means that users can not be taught in their own congressional offices and carry out the training as and when required .
2 SHORTLY after the Russians invaded , the famous Barrandov Studios , in which so many world-class directors had worked , were to be used for the making of a film called Factory Of Illusions , in which a young and idealistic graduate of the Film Academy arrives to find well-known film-makers of the New Wave drinking and whoring instead of making films , and almost succumbs to counter-revolution himself .
3 The estate itself was to be used for the well-being of those Jews who had also suffered at the hands of the Nazis and other oppressors of the faith .
4 Since the work is covered by Building Regulations , you will need to inform your local authority ; they may well tell you the type of trench necessary , the ways the drains have to be laid in them depending on local soil conditions and the material to be used for the drains .
5 This second study differed only in that during initial training the subjects received conditioning trials with a different stimulus ( a light ) in the context that was to be used for the test .
6 US Secretary of State James Baker and Israel 's ambassador to the USA Zalman Shoval met for a third round of talks in Washington on Feb. 21 but failed to arrange a compromise agreement on the terms of Israel 's request for loan guarantees worth US$10,000 million to be used for the absorption of new Jewish immigrants .
7 The scheme is designed for the younger ( less than 36 years old ) organic chemist , the funds to be used for the purchase of equipment , books and consumables , technical assistance , professional travel or any other activity directly related to the research being undertaken .
8 Letter of thanks from Mrs Cunning of the music department of Currie High School expressing her thanks for the cheque for £10 sent to be used for the purchase of music .
9 On 10 November 1921 , a new agreement was drawn up between the Company and Croydon Corporation for maintenance of track within the Borough and to permit the construction of a curve at the top of Tamworth Road , only to be used for the transfer of cars .
10 Private money is to be used for the funding of all the projects and considerable effort is to be placed on greater fund-raising and promotion over the period .
11 The problem is , however , that state radio stations are not intended to be used for the purpose of broadcasting beyond state frontiers ; indeed , it was decided in 1978 to forbid these stations from using short wave transmitters with sufficient power to reach other states .
12 As the text emerged from the drafting committee , the English text , but not the French text , of Article 1 made express reference to ‘ discovery ’ ; a request was not to be used for the purpose of obtaining discovery between the parties before the trial .
13 ‘ A witness may be cross-examined as to previous statements made by him in writing or reduced into writing relative to the subject matter of the indictment or proceeding , without such writing being shown to him ; but if it is intended to contradict such witness by the writing , his attention must , before such contradictory proof can be given , be called to those parts of the writing which are to be used for the purpose of so contradicting him : provided always , that it shall be competent for the judge at any time during the trial , to require the production of the writing for his inspection , and he may thereupon make such use of it for the purpose of the trial as he may think fit .
14 All that is required is that sufficient of the works shall have been completed to enable the premises to be used for the purpose intended , and if the tenant has any particular concerns as to the completion of the works then it should ensure that express provision is made for those concerns in the agreement ( see clause 2.8 ) .
15 If , however , the court order specifies that the lump sum is to be used for the purpose of purchasing a home for the assisted person or her dependants enforcement of the charge can be postponed ( Civil Legal Aid ( General ) Regulations 1989 , reg 96 ) .
16 If no relative or other person is willing to be appointed , the benefit is payable to the hospital authorities to be used for the patient 's comfort and enjoyment .
17 After having Sir Michael 's approval Gibson had an oak felled , which was to be used for the engine , amounting to 16 ft. of timber at 2s .
18 In other words , a scientific sociology was to be used for the reorganisation of society .
19 Red tile set on edge was to be used for the centrepiece , Portland stone for the surround , brown pebble paving for an infill , blue and white pebbles to make a star design , white marble for the path through the pergola .
20 Churchill 's ‘ Mulberrys ’ , the artificial harbours to be used for the invasion , were constructed on the Gareloch , and capital ships by the dozen , aircraft carriers , cruisers , battleships and destroyers — all lay off the coasts of the west or sailed into the Clyde .
21 Room 006 is to be used for the MSc students , with Room 33 being converted as a Laboratory .
22 The name of the package to be used for the operation .
23 The version of the package to be used for the operation .
24 The name of the package to be used for the operation .
25 The version of the package to be used for the operation .
26 The name of the package to be used for the operation .
27 The name of the module to be used for the operation .
28 The version of the module to be used for the operation .
29 Who was to be in in control of the tactics to be used for the operation ?
30 After all , the word ‘ engineer ’ used to be used for the person who could drive and maintain a car , in the early days of motoring .
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