Example sentences of "[prep] be see [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They successfully politicised lived experiences of women in such a way that their concerns came to be seen as the concerns of Labour .
2 There was not a soul to be seen on the pavements .
3 Even in summer there may be smudges of by now off-white snow or icc to be seen on the slopes round about .
4 These fluctuations are responsible for the ‘ spoke-like ’ pattern of bright and dark patches to be seen within the polygons of Fig. 22.6 , although , because of the unsteadiness , the behaviour is not fully illustrated by a single picture of this sort .
5 The university buildings were themselves instructive , incorporating all the ‘ orders to be seen in the ruins of Greece and Italy ’ as well as English mediaeval styles .
6 Apart from the meetings being packed out as already mentioned , he says that , ‘ On the Lord's-days there was no disorder to be seen in the streets , but you might hear an hundred families singing psalms and repeating sermons as you passed through the streets .
7 Other evidence of the Democrats in the House surrendering the initiative to the White House is to be seen in the actions of the Budget Committee .
8 How much better it would be for ministers to be seen in the constituencies giving us the ammunition we need to fight on the doorsteps . ’
9 This mixture of Roman and barbarian in terms of the burial and of the grave goods needs to be seen in the contexts of Childeric 's career as recorded by Gregory , following the annals of Angers .
10 Conspicuous in the Cupids mosaic , for example , are the seabeasts of the semi-roundels , comparable — if not identical — representations of which are to be seen in the semi-roundels adjacent to the central squares of both the Fishbourne and Cirencester ( Dyer Street ) mosaics .
11 There was no sign of animal habitation , no sheep in the area , no birds ' nests or birds to be seen in the trees .
12 Chevenement 's influence has yet to be seen in the banks , now mostly state owned .
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