Example sentences of "[prep] a [adj] [noun] [to-vb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Thomson-CSF SA says its Syseca unit won a contract worth several million dollars to provide a turnkey system to send messages between 29 European civil aviation agencies : the contract , awarded by Eurocontrol , which oversees air traffic control across Europe , calls for installing the system by end-1993 , and the contract is part of a vast programme to link up Europe 's air traffic control systems — the present fragmentation is one of the key causes of the air travel delays ; the Central Flow Management Unit system will be based on Syseca 's Aermac product , and will collect flight plans from the World Civil Aviation Network , the SITA airline network SITA and from air traffic control centres ; it will be installed at two central sites , at Haren , Belgium and Bretigny-sur-Orge , France , using Stratus Computer Inc fault-tolerant systems connected via an X25 packet-switched network .
2 LIFT-OFF : Now scandal-hit Fergie may find she 's in need of a strong shoulder to cry on
3 The lesson to be learned is that taking time out of a fixed routine to stand back , and reassess the situation , is time well spent , and can create greater efficiency and productivity .
4 Lady Wagner , who spoke at the conference said : ‘ I am extremely disappointed that the minister did not announce the setting up of a new group to take on from where we are now . ’
5 Five years on from the original 1988 Wagner Report , the group made ten recommendations for the future beginning with the establishment of a new body to take over the group 's function .
6 I have to rely on the kindness of a good neighbour to hang out my washing .
7 Richard Charkin is blunt about the difficulty Waterstones faces : ‘ Under the rules of the NBA you can discount after a year , but a year 's a hell of a long time to tie up dead stock . ’
8 Japan was a country which had achieved ‘ modernization ’ , which could offer a model to other industrializing nations ; the militarism and aggression of the 1930s was an aberration , explicable largely in political terms , the ability of a small group to turn back the liberal trends of the twenties .
9 The partnership has triggered reports of a secret deal to press on with European unity — leaving Britain and others out in the cold .
10 This means that , having discussed the problems with you , he should make you aware of the consequences of a continuing failure to live up to expectations and give you an opportunity to demonstrate an improvement .
11 For all its brave talk of radicalism , the New Right depends emotionally on the attractions of the familiar and the known , constructing a romantic view of a mythical past to bolster up its attack on collectivism .
12 A specified amount appears to be necessary because of a common tendency to cut down on book provision work whenever there is pressure on staff time .
13 Sometimes , though , it 's easier to take it as it comes — you 'll never be short of a willing gull to use up your leavings in Hastings .
14 The latter ( in which I took a great personal interest ) required the installation of a special engine to pump up the Secondary Modern sewage into a tank , at the Grammar School level , from which it could then flow gently eastwards towards the Oxford Road .
15 Wandsworth had accused union members of acting in breach of their employment contracts and of a statutory duty to carry out continuous assessment of pupils ' work .
16 It was part of a local scheme to tidy up the streets around Piccadilly .
17 He took time out of a busy schedule to come up to the zoo and meet the rather less glamorous , but real , White 's Tree Frog .
18 On 22 July , David Sugden , a professor of geography , resigned from the Nature Conservancy Council for Scotland ( NCCS ) and from its Science and Research Board because of a last-minute decision to cut off universities from involvement in research .
19 ‘ The hotel bar was closed and we were all famished so it seemed like a good idea to trek down to the local ‘ pub ’ to search out a few sarnies , ’ says Gedge .
20 Now this looks like a good game to bet on , because a probability of one , is an absolute certainty .
21 From this side of the Atlantic , the pointless remake of Wuthering Heights looks like a deliberate attempt to finish off British film ( crap dialogue , laughable Barnsley-by-the-Seine accent from Juliette Binoche and Sinéad O'Connor as Emily Brönte ) .
22 She clutched the warm , glowing vision to herself like a hot-water bottle to keep out the cold and loneliness of the night .
23 Looking for a cosy doorstep to crash in : Whyte
24 Although all life and pension policy providers are now required by law to state their charges in writing , it is often extremely difficult for a lay person to work out exactly what is involved ; or to make meaningful comparisons between one organisation 's charges and another 's .
25 What is surprising is that a new colony has settled down to breed so quickly — it normally takes a year or even longer for a newly-formed pair to get down to breeding .
26 When the Stockton and Darlington Railway first rolled through the countryside in the 1820s , there really was n't very much in the Middleton area for a bored passenger to look out at from a window .
27 All of this does not mitigate well for a prospective owner to take on the airframe in an easily-delivered and/or operational manner .
28 Mr Donnelly , consultant surgeon at Liverpool 's Cardiothoracic Centre , has told of his hopes for a three-year study to find out why Merseyside has become the lung cancer capital of the world .
29 Although rather overshadowed by the heroin ‘ problem ’ which soon emerged , this committee was able to continue its focus on young solvent users and obtained funding for a full-time counsellor to work out of a Council of Voluntary Service office .
30 The police had only recently organized a stake-out in a house just down the road , watching and waiting for a serial murderer to call in at his mother 's council flat to collect his laundry .
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