Example sentences of "[prep] it in [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He threw a stick into the river and the dog went after it in a flying leap , landing with a huge splash and paddling furiously , its black head sleek like a seal .
2 Having quoted the opening of Gormenghast in 1.4 as an example of an opaque style , we shall now return to another passage which occurs shortly after it in the same novel .
3 A rat as big as a cat scurried down a steep slope and a small bush slid down after it in the torrential downpour .
4 My former BBC colleague at Westminster , John Harrison , reporting from Zimbabwe on Maundy Thursday , caught the horror of it in a memorable phrase : the cost of an Easter egg , he said , would keep a child alive for a month or more .
5 If you provide a specimen you will be offered part of it in a suitable container .
6 There would be no possibility of it in a non-spatial world , or in a spatial world inhabited only by non-spatial beings .
7 The rights and wrongs of it were debated for some time and the feeling seemed to be that the TCCB had come out of it in a worse light than Gatting ; as the Melbourne newspaper The Age put it , ‘ Gatting , caught rumour , bowled hypocrisy , 0 ’ .
8 The harshness of the alcohol took his breath away and made him choke again , and Paul collapsed in a fit of laughter as he expelled half of it in a further bout of coughing .
9 Althusser portrays Marx as extremely sensitive to this possibility , and appeals to his awareness of it in a further argument about the position of economic practice in the complex whole .
10 I 'm only meant to use one tablespoon of it in a whole basin of water and you 've gone and put it all over your head neat !
11 He sang a few bars of it in a lusty baritone that filled the darkness , and oddly enough dispelled some of the tension that had been growing in her .
12 We can get a feel of it in a magnificent detail from a huge cup by the Penthesilea Painter ( fig. 117 ) : Trojans grieving as they watch Memnon killed by Achilles .
13 The gentleman took due note of it in a single glance , decided that nothing was to be gained by ill temper , and , reassembling his smile , he turned it upon her full-force .
14 Now yer know what a cowson that Frank is. 'E told 'er ter piss orf out of it in no uncertain terms an' Maudie told 'im she was gon na send 'er ole man round ter sort 'im out .
15 Each stance is capable of performing what is required of it in the right context .
16 United certainly made a fight of it in the second half but their finishing was poor .
17 This was partly because the traditional school library catalogue , devised by teachers untrained in library methods , aimed to meet only the very simple demands which , alas , were made of it in the long decades of neglect .
18 Then both the earners and the users of foreign exchange will know its real opportunity cost , and they will adjust their behaviour so as to economize on foreign exchange in the short term and to earn more of it in the long term .
19 He tells the latest fruit of it in the enclosed letter .
20 Its garden front just manages to survive , intact on its eastern bays , sensitively refaced on the western , beneath the mound of Italianate jumble that Alfred Waterhouse piled on top of it in the 19th century .
21 China 's growth is fuelled largely by coal and so is India 's , some of it in the latter case thanks to World Bank funding .
22 The Commission must copy a notification to the relevant authorities in the member states and provided that it is complete , immediately publish brief details of it in the Official Journal .
23 In the 1980s , the world wood requirement was some 3000 million m 3 , of which , following earlier figures , some 47% was used as fuel ( 80% of it in the developing world ) , 43% for building and other ‘ solid wood ’ purposes ( two-thirds of this in the developed world ) and 10% for paper ( some seven-eighths of this used in the developed world ) .
24 There was a lot of tooth-sucking for a while as he tried to get me to say more and that was almost funny , given that it was the tooth-sucking that made me think of it in the first place , suddenly thinking .
25 This is because one or other must be better , and pride can not allow executives to settle for the second best — so why think of it in the first place ?
26 ‘ No , but then Ellie Browne did n't want to be a part of it in the first place .
27 IT WAS sackless not to have thought of it in the first place .
28 He has enjoyed every minute of it in the certain knowledge that he was never going to be held to account by being elected .
29 The particular themes of PNP needs , curriculum , teaching strategies , home and school — remain areas of central concern , and about each of them there is now a substantial body of conceptual and empirical material to be tapped , some of it in the twelve PRINDEP reports .
30 A lot has been said already in the English-speaking world about poststructuralism and politics , much of it in the accusatory mode voiced from the opposing class-based verities of ‘ tradition ’ or ‘ History ’ .
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