Example sentences of "[prep] the same time in [art] " in BNC.

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1 All these ideas were incorporated into the theory of plate tectonics which was more or less separately developed by a number of workers at about the same time in the late 1960s .
2 Thromboxane production by platelets stimulated with arachidonic acid showed a significant positive correlation with the fasting plasma glucose concentration obtained at the same time in a group of 15 diabetics studied by Halushka et al ( 1981 b ) .
3 In applying the requirements of the [ draft ] FRS capital instruments which are issued at the same time in a composite transaction should be considered together .
4 Bear 's The Venging ( £4.99 ) is out at the same time in A format .
5 Er another problem we had as well is we had all going at the same time in a very close area as well .
6 As a clue to that significance we might first recall the way in which the laws regarding menstruation and childbirth and this new circumcision appeared at the same time in the history of the Jewish people , and remember what was earlier said about the nature — culture dichotomy and the need of culture to control or impose itself upon what it deems to be nature .
7 These levels of breeding success were very similar to those found at the same time in the London area and Leicestershire .
8 Parallel procedural changes occurred at the same time in the Senate , but other factors were at work there too .
9 It is an irony that as the government makes great claims about its job creation record for West Belfast it is at the same time in the process of running down some major sources of employment in the area , most notably the Royal Victoria Hospital .
10 The most surprising observation is that the spring bloom occurred almost at the same time in the Tromsø area and at Spitzbergen , approximately 10° further north .
11 Meanwhile , in our protocol , the denaturation of plasmid DNA and degradation of the contaminating RNA is carried out at the same time in the alkaline solution at high temperature .
12 George Pittendrigh and I joined the organisation at the same time in the grey austere years after the war .
13 It was William Beveridge who hailed a revolution in public administration : ‘ We have … under the stress of war , made practical discoveries in the art of government almost comparable to the immense discoveries made at the same time in the art of flying ’ .
14 A given species or even genus tends to specialize in that at the same time in the same area , the same plant species is exploited , and this takes a great toll of water-dispersed seeds such as rubber .
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