Example sentences of "[prep] the first [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As for the first reactions from employees and visitors to the Taste Sensation launch preview , said : ‘ Most people have been very positive about it . ’
2 A spank on the bottom never failed to produce its first howl of protest , then the cleansing process took place , and the ‘ miracle ’ was wrapped inside a cosy , warm blanket — then it was placed next to Mother for the first looks of adoration and wonder .
3 Over in Cheltenham , Frank Ford has been watching out for the first signs of winter .
4 The old nomes grumbled among themselves , and scanned the sky anxiously for the first signs of robins or reindeer .
5 Claudia lying in her hut listening for the first sounds of life .
6 He sat on a couch of deerskin , under the awning of his tent , a long , sinewy man in the prime of his powers , forty-eight years old , black of eye and black of hair , but for the first frostings of grey at temple and lip .
7 For the first years with Sarah my life was a happy one .
8 We had Behrens , we had the designs — have you seen the set for the first performances of Salome ?
9 During the first stages of pregnancy , the growing foetus is extremely vulnerable and so early diagnosis , using a home pregnancy test , can be essential to its health development — especially if you need to improve your health and fitness .
10 During the first months of war life in Fontanellato was uneventful and the fighting seemed far away .
11 Similarly , Mr Yeltsin , like Mr Gorbachev , was born into a peasant family during the calamitous 1930s and came to political maturity during the first days of Khrushchev , when hope began to dawn after Stalin 's long night .
12 Nowhere seemed to be safe from the searching French guns ; during the first days of March one regiment lost more men while behind the lines in reserve than during its assault on Haumont Wood the first day of the offensive .
13 His father , Giovanni , fled Lucca in 1567 because of his Reformed faith , and lived subsequently in France , Antwerp , Germany , and then London , where , during the first years of James I 's reign , he founded an influential merchant-banking house with his son-in-law , Philip Burlamachi [ q.v . ] .
14 Relations with the USA , which had improved during the first years of Rajiv Gandhi 's government , came under strain in 1987 due to the US decision to grant large military aid packages to Pakistan , including early warning surveillance aircraft , and to Indian fears of a Pakistani nuclear bomb .
15 Helen , however , was still imprisoned in the fears and longings that had marked her life during the first years of puberty and was obsessed with the idea that she would never marry and have children .
16 AS THE FIRST chimes of noon from the bells of Shandon broke over the pavements and washed into the busy shops , the people of Cork halted in their step or turned from what they were doing to cross themselves and murmur the Angelus prayer .
17 As the first turfs for Hinkley A power station were being dug in early 1958 , an unnamed correspondent in The Times reported how a stretch of countryside that had inspired Wordsworth and Coleridge 150 years before was about to savour the fruits of ‘ the atom age ’ :
18 Many new parties and NGOs are springing up in what many observers see as the first steps toward development of a healthy civil society .
19 CHESTER 'S tuberculosis scare appears to be over as the first results of tests on 500 children were released yesterday .
20 It can be useful practice to read through the first sentences of paragraphs which make up a published essay , to see how much work — of summary and of signposting — is being done by these " topic sentences " .
21 It pushes back , to a disconcertingly early period in Pound 's life , the first signs of that aridity , that closing of the doors of perception , which — drastically arrested and reversed though it was , at Pisa and through the first years at St Elizabeth 's — reasserted itself and wreaked the desolation of Thrones .
22 As a new father I am only too aware of the importance of expert guidance through the first months of parenthood .
23 After the first feelings of shock turn into either joy or dismay , the question that immediately arises is , " How do I tell Mum and Dad ? "
24 Troops and tanks were sent in to restore order a week after the first demonstrations in Tirana .
25 Twenty two months after the first signs of bowel symptoms , 20 months after the first complaint of knee pain , and 14 months after finishing steroid treatment both knees were clinically normal .
26 After the first flutters of excitement in the immediate aftermath of war about GIs , nylon stockings , bubble-gum , television , flashy motorcars , labour-saving gadgetry and all-American razzle-dazzle , caricatures of ‘ Americanisation ’ have come to carry enormous authority within postwar deliberations on the decline of the old ‘ way of life ’ .
27 The predominant adverse effects after the first days of therapy were fatigue ( 73% ) , myalgia ( 60% ) , anorexia ( 43% ) , irritability ( 30% ) , and hair loss ( 15% ) .
28 Sister Margaret Murphy was one of the first nurses in Ulster to train in administering chemotherapy .
29 Sister Margaret Murphy was one of the first nurses in Ulster to train in administering chemotherapy .
30 Severe recent flooding in the Andes was one of the first consequences of El Niñshow the impact of global warming , with a 0.041° C mean increase between 1963 and 1990 .
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