Example sentences of "[prep] the [num] [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The by-election was not legally required but Goh had announced during the campaign period for the 1991 general election that he would use by-elections to provide voters with a chance to renew his mandate .
2 And then there was the second tier of the cake , something a little bit different , something a little bit more special for the seventy fifth year but still perhaps working on the tried and tested .
3 As they listened and watched the news from their former homeland it has been distressing for the five native speakers and difficult to maintain their professional distance from events .
4 A further gain is that we do not need a sampling frame for the 10 000 cattle but only for each of the 10 herds ; such a frame could be constructed on the investigator 's arrival at a farm .
5 But it was also an explicitly Christian spirit — unfortunate therefore for the four thousand Jews and for the tiny but now increasing numbers of Hindus , Buddhists , Muslims , and Taoists .
6 When they had been in the chemist 's buying shampoo , Mr Kennedy had asked what he could do for the two young ladies and they had been pleased .
7 To do so , the cooling curves are plotted for the two pure components and for mixtures with various compositions of the two components .
8 In addition , ratings for the two main parties and their leaders became more predictable as the election approached while those for the Alliance and its leaders became less predictable .
9 It 's where you just draw the two axis for the two different things and then plot the people 's scores on them scatter plot Now I 'll put that there just to .
10 D M Bradley and colleagues ' paper on a screening programme for Duchenne muscular dystrophy in newborn infants describes the benefits for the nine affected families that were identified .
11 I note you 've got a site inspection on the hockey club room but not for the eighty seven houses that may affect for generations , I E .
12 Turn to page 29 of your wine list for the three simple questions and entry form .
13 MDC noted that a Younger Chemists ' reception would be held during the 1992 annual congress and that Ciba-Geigy had agreed to provide sponsorship .
14 During the eight short months that he lived following his resignation , he was plagued by a sense of foreboding that the future would hold a similar fate for himself .
15 While such concerns are admirable in their no-nonsense practicality , they represent a significant decline in ambition when compared with the other criminologies that have appeared during the two hundred years that have passed since Beccaria wrote .
16 The solar system has travelled round the galaxy almost 20 times since it was formed , and it has described only a tiny arc of its journey during the two million years that people have been on the Earth .
17 The origin of ITV can be explained in many ways : as a classic case ( perhaps the first , post-war ) of high pressure political lobbying ; as Churchill 's revenge on the BBC for its disdainful treatment of him during the 1926 General Strike and in his wilderness years in the 1930s , when he was largely kept off the air ; or as part of the Conservative move to ‘ set the people free ’ from the bureaucracy and greyness allegedly intrinsic to Labour planning and the construction of the welfare state ( sweets , be it remembered , did not finally come off ration until 1953 ) .
18 But during the 1980S these policies and plans made fairly little progress .
19 Each contained around 100lb of Semtex high explosive , five times as much as was used to demolish the Grand Hotel , Brighton , during the 1984 Conservative conference and 40 times the size of an average car bomb .
20 These animals have changed little during the 400 million years since they evolved , and still retain their strange eyes .
21 Strangely enough , at no time did I have real doubts that I would be elected , and this determined my public attitude during the three successive ballots that were necessary .
22 The same number of players were utilised during the 1990 Grand Slam and for all the flak to which they have been subjected , such consistency reflects creditably on the selectors .
23 These were constructed on standard BR underframes and mounted on BR2 bogies , which were later replaced by B5 bogies ; the body contour was as the two 1941 saloons and power car .
24 In this area of discussion too there may be a closer theistic structure between the two religious groupings than we are often led to believe .
25 Under the terms of the deal , which marked the first direct trading contact between the two Korean states since the Korean War of 1950-53 , the North would supply 30,000 tonnes of anthracite and 11,000 tonnes of cement in exchange for the rice .
26 Focusing exclusively on the positions of P.wickerhamii ri1 , ri2 and So ri2 in a phylogenetic tree , the distance between the two homologous introns So ri2 and Pw ri2 is shorter than that between ri1 and ri2 of P.wickerhamii ( data not shown ) .
27 These contradictions can not simply be explained in terms of the satisfaction assessments being incorrect ; the disjunction between the two factors-initial answers and overall feeling — is too complete .
28 An elevator trim that rotates in a different plane to nose up , nose down is a revolting arrangement and when , many years ago , the College of Air Training at Hamble ordered a considerable number of Apaches they insisted on having the trim wheels between the two front seats where they could work in a logical fashion .
29 The differences between the two different estates and the limitations over the running of covenants in equitable leases are revealed , as indicated below , once T assigns his interest to T2 :
30 Parliament was required to choose between the two leading candidates after no single candidate had won an absolute majority of the popular vote in the presidential elections in September [ see pp. 39110-11 ] .
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