Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun prp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is a vital role for the BBC in the democratic process — in the informing of the public — in the education of the nation .
2 This is a vital role for the BBC in the democratic process — in the informing of the public — in the education of the nation .
3 He also claimed his party would ‘ kick-start ’ the Mike Potter , who stood for the SDP in the 1989 Richmond by-election , said he would n't be standing in the forthcoming general Labour 's Tony Blair , Tory Michael Fallon and Lib Dem 's Alan Beith clashed in a live TV debate over the NHS .
4 The greatest failure for the EC in the 1970s was the failure to progress towards EMU .
5 I should be grateful if you would amend the small advertisement for the B.A.E.C. at the next time of insertion so that the last part reads : ‘ For details , write to the Secretary , .
6 Faced with a sharp fall in support for the CDU in the former East German Länder , CDU general secretary Volker Rühe ( with the tacit support of Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl ) had led the group within the party pressing for the replacement of de Maizière .
7 Two more European companies , one French and one Belgian , have signed for the PowerPC in the last two weeks , according to Hans Wildenberg , Motorola 's director of marketing and applications for southern Europe .
8 LIFESPAN will automatically mail a user deemed to be responsible for the SPR from the following list ( in the order specified ) : —
9 The latter is being restored for the IWM by the Duxford-based Aircraft Restoration Company .
10 One of the crucial questions emerging for the CNAA during the 1970s was in fact the extent to which it could take initiatives as well as being responsive .
11 Against the background of a broad spectrum of strikes organized on April 21 , April 27 and June 2 , 1989 , by the socialist General Workers ' Union ( Unión General de Trabajadores — UGT ) and the communist Workers ' Commissions ( Comisiones Obreras — CCOO ) , the UGT executive decided for the first time on April 25 to give no recommendation to its members to vote for the PSOE in the European Parliament elections in June 1989 , on the grounds that a trade union could not be expected to support a government which pursued economic and social policies which were hostile to workers .
12 But the prejudice against money-lending was a bar to the development of credit and of the money economy in general ; and it was singularly fortunate for the Europe of the eleventh and twelfth centuries that there was a substantial group of active and intelligent people who had overcome the prohibition of usury .
13 From 1966–72 he was Executive Director in charge of overseas affairs and Alternate Governor for the UK on the International Monetary Fund .
14 Similarly the sharp collapse of factory production in 1980 was a real crisis which could be interpreted as laying the foundations for new industries in Britain and a new set of international trading and investment relations for the UK in the 1980s .
15 For the UK throughout the 1970s gross contributions were high relative to economic prosperity .
16 But clearly being a spare time hairy was proving too difficult for the NME of the early '70s .
17 The battle was a great victory for the Knights of the Old World , made all the remarkable by a strange and prophetic occurrence .
18 For the NF from the late 1960s set the pattern for successful mobilisation based on anti-black/anti-immigrant appeals , which numerous commentators have said were explicitly copied by other extreme-right groupings in western Europe .
19 now we already know that there was a meeting which was called fairly promptly for the Monday of the following week which would have been the eleventh , did you attend that meeting ?
20 We also found Karl Bundt , born of an incestuous union of titled aristocrats who had fled the opprobrium of European society for the Moluccas before the First World War .
21 My reporting for the Times-Herald under the avuncular guidance of Fred Workman ran the whole spectrum of events , incidents and activities : I spent days at the annual Wild West Rodeo and Stampede absorbing as much of the cowboy lingo as possible ; I acted as Master of Ceremonies for a fox trot competition sponsored by Cal Temple and Trudie , his business-like wife ; I interviewed all visiting celebrities including MacKenzie King , the Prime Minister , and R.B. Bennett , the Leader of the Opposition in Ottawa ; I interviewed Jimmy Gardiner as Minister of Agriculture , after he gave up his post as Premier of Saskatchewan ; I covered celebrity concerts and the annual Chatauqua programmes , among many other things .
22 After 1956 — the year in which the government had tried and failed to cut off Arab support for the FLN in the ill-fated Anglo-French Suez expedition — there had been a growing perception , both in Paris and among the general public , that these dilemmas were not likely to be resolved by short-lived coalition governments of the kind that the Fourth Republic produced .
23 In the summer of 1988 , Islander sailed from Hythe Marina Village bound for southern Norway , but the light winds and limited time caused her to lower her sights and she shaped a course for the Limfjord at the southern end of Jutland .
24 One Pack were dressed up as Robin Hood and His Merry Men , another as the Knights of the Round Table , pulling along a dragon in chains ; a third represented characters from Alice in Wonderland .
25 Easter was introduced in Rome about the year 160 , and as in Alexandria was celebrated on the Sunday following the Hebrew Passover , which for practical purposes could be reckoned as the Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox .
26 The resort is only 20 years old and grabs at any chance for a celebrity to add sparkle to its budding image as the Florida of the Nineties .
27 But what is striking is not so much the fact that Auguste Comte or Herbert Spencer were , after all , persons of some intellectual stature , than that men who were once regarded as the Aristotles of the modern world have practically vanished from sight .
28 The station was described by Koebel as the Waterloo of the southern hemisphere , handling more passengers than all the other Buenos Aires terminals together .
29 In 1980 a majority of the member countries of the Organization of African Unity ( OAU ) recognized the Polisario as the rightful government of Western Sahara , which took its seat as the SADR at the 1989 OAU summit , whereupon Morocco , which had become increasingly isolated in the Maghreb region over the issue , resigned from the OAU in protest .
30 The cleanness of his musicianship marks him as the Apollo of the new singing school .
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