Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun pl] [vb base] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 reserve a number of issues to expert determination , such as the profits figure for a company or the net asset value of a business : see the full list set out at 4.2.5 .
2 a study of the reservations chart for the same period last year ;
3 The chronic nature of the symptoms , the benign appearance of the gastric lesions on endoscopy , and the equivocal histological aspect of the lesions account for the fact that numerous MALT lymphomas were considered ‘ pseudolymphomas ’ until the monoclonal nature of the proliferation could be routinely shown by immunochemistry .
4 Aegon will pay £200m — about half of which is good-will — which will be injected into the with-profits fund for the benefit of the current and future policyholders invested into that fund .
5 We are then off into the players lounge for a few beers beforehand , then a few more after .
6 On April 4 the DP claimed that the strike had been a success , with strong support in several large enterprises , but observers assessed that even in the cities support for the strike had been patchy .
7 He regressed the change in the spot price on the change in the futures price for the previous five-minute period and found a positive and highly significant relationship .
8 Nearly half of those registered are in the jobs market for the first time .
9 It is suggested that the extremes of page lengths indicate confusion over the objectives set for the journal , between the publication of shorter papers and monographic articles .
10 It is suggested that the extremes of page lengths indicate confusion over the objectives set for the journal , between the publication of short communications and monographic articles .
11 In all the exchanges of information during the design stage , frequent reference should be made to the objectives set for the project and the standards of the various components .
12 During taxi manoeuvres and take-off the pictures will show ground views to get those at the controls set for a flight to remember .
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