Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] [noun pl] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It has just announced special tools which will allow developers to write products for the unlaunched Windows NT which can run immediately on the new Windows 3.1 .
2 Here , here , I second that on H on page thirty one very important one , the county council welcomes the recognition by the joint working party of the importance of meaningful support services to the elected members and the recomme recommendation that the Secretary of State should review and clarify the powers of local authorities to meet costs of services provided to members to enable them to carry out their duties as councillors Now the erm members appointments , appointments of member services sub have been discussing this issue and I would like to point out to members that we are not claiming the amount allowable for the paying members allowances we erm we 're way below the limit that 's allowable by the government Now before anyone say well what have you done about it ?
3 But at the same time , away from public scrutiny , many of these same stores reduced the risk of their credit being abused through a semi-secret organization known as The Mutual Communications Society which circulated to its members the names of habitual defaulters .
4 In a BBC Radio 4 programme about the civil rights movement he said :
5 Shapland and Hobbs ( 1989 ) consider many low status activities are effectively invisible , while Chatterton and Rogers ( 1989 ) acknowledge many cultural inhibitors , ranging from a lack of trust between the ranks to a ‘ number of deeply rooted myths about the existing police systems which protected it from criticism and disguised its deficiencies ’ .
6 Now , the important point about the rational expectations assumptions which lead to equation ( 3.42 ) is that they impose restrictions on equation ( 3.43b ) .
7 The transformation of the industrial relations climate which would be brought about by adherence to Keynesian principles could produce a potentially catastrophic spiral of money wage increases leading to price increases leading to a build-up of inflationary expectations .
8 Can I suggest that those members of the General Purposes Committee who are going to look at that area anyway , also have a look at the me the problems of , of this bank side , which is actually collapsing , er due to the weight of , of people .
9 Some idea of how badly the police were treated is given by the reports of the Metropolitan Police Commissioner which show that roughly one-in-four of London 's policemen were assaulted each year — 3,444 cases were reported in 1899 , for example , when the constabulary strength was 13,213 men and 1,949 sergeants — as police authorities pressed for firmer measures in assault cases .
10 For members of the International Rights Centre who are also attending the symposium , the cost is £50 .
11 The working of the Contagious Diseases Acts themselves also served to mobilise many a radical working man against the exploitation of working-class women , and an important alliance developed between this radicalism and feminists , which had the additional effect of providing for the latter a social support which enhanced their authority within the repeal movement .
12 Dammit , it 's the future of the European components business I 'll be talking about . ’
13 The Rev. Donald Macaulay , chair of the Western Isles council which had lost £23,000,000 , resigned in early September and two other senior officials of the council were suspended on Sept. 11 .
14 This is not often mentioned in the documents , but two of the surviving women compositors I was able to interview said they had started this way .
15 After referring to a section of the relevant Customs Act which was said to give an importer an opportunity to obtain his goods without making an irrevocable payment of the duty claimed O'Connor J. continued , at p. 277 :
16 The first , and weaker test , would exploit one of the central predictions of the rational expectations hypothesis which we explained in chapter 2 : that forecast errors arise from the inherent unpredictability or stochastic nature of the variable and should exhibit no pattern ; that is , they should not be predictable on the basis of any information available at the time the forecast is made ; and the forecast errors should , on average , be zero .
17 A further and very important advantage of this method is that it suggests a way of testing the validity of the rational expectations hypothesis itself .
18 Steven said : ‘ I think we are a stage ahead of the other Rangers teams I 've played with in Europe .
19 So it would not seem unreasonable that you know , from the date of the Financial Services Act it might come in there .
20 This is partly due to the rapid growth of the financial services industry which has increased the demand for actuaries , but it also has to do with expansion of the skills which actuaries have to offer .
21 The MP had asked him whether the inquiry under the Assistant Chief Constable of West Yorkshire could be extended to the four members of the Serious Crimes Squad who were involved in preparing the case of the Birmingham pub bombing in 1974 .
22 The other major difficulty over the appointment of tutors and approval of syllabuses for classes and courses in the rural areas scheme was resolved by Professor Barker and Green who agreed that each providing body would submit for the information of the Rural Areas Committee its own approved panel of tutors and syllabuses of approved courses .
23 She had learned to time it so as not to hear the tail end of the terrible Neighbours music which , no matter how much you hated it , was a tune you could easily get on the brain .
24 I think that it would place great strain not only on the Comptroller and Auditor General and his staff but on the budget of the Public Accounts Commission itself if it had to authorise such expenditure .
25 Much of this could be as plausibly argued today as thirty or more years ago : the extraordinary achievement of the public relations advisers who replaced the ‘ ludicrous courtiers ’ has been to ensure that the royal family do still have it both ways .
26 One of the main ones being which we know now as .
27 He has been a staunch advocate of the open skies policy which has helped to open up regional aviation .
28 The Taiwan High Court on Oct. 14 began an investigation into the DPP for alleged violation of the Civic Organizations Law which prohibited advocacy of secession .
29 As a member of the Scottish Sports Council I was closely involved in setting up arrangements for access to rivers .
30 Its sole authority is that of the United Nations Organisation itself .
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