Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] time [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Coatings company International Lory has for the second time completed a year without a single lost day accident .
2 As the visitors pushed forward Ferguson was unlucky for the second time to have a effort cleared off the line , this time by Birney .
3 What is certain , however , is that Moltke , on 8 September , for the second time instructed a young staff officer , Lieutenant-Colonel Hentsch , to visit the command centres of all the German armies to assess the situation .
4 The mid-century gold rush to Australia added further to the supply of diamonds , but it was the development of the South African mines that for the first time brought a dramatic increase in the volume of production .
5 During this season in Johannesburg , John unexpectedly had the chance for the first time to dance a real role in public .
6 The difference is that FABMS for the first time uses a beam of uncharged atoms instead of charged ions for the process .
7 Dr David Kessler , commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration said that his agency , the Environmental Protection Agency , and the Department of Agriculture will for the first time make a concerted effort to ‘ create incentives for the development of safe pesticides and to remove those pesticides that pose the greatest risk ’ .
8 For structural reforms in third world countries , KfW for the first time granted a special loan of 1.7 billion DM to the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) .
9 She went into the drawing-room , and flung back her veil , for the first time revealing a pair of remarkable green eyes , set at a slant like a cat 's or lynx 's .
10 For the first time conceding a measure of Chinese control , he proposed a " self-governing democratic political entity " to be set up " in association with " China , with the latter maintaining some control over foreign affairs and defence .
11 Berdichev turned his head and looked at Clarac , for the first time letting a brief smile signal his satisfaction .
12 Amanda Mares , the producer , might bear in mind that listeners hearing things for the first time need a second or two to focus .
13 In the new domains such as foreign policy , the commission will for the first time have a right to propose .
14 Scientists at La Jolla University , California , have for the first time established a link between nitrous oxide and the nylon industry .
15 A break of 83 put him in front for the first time adding a 70 clearance in the sixth after Wattana led 58-0 .
16 Evidence collected by a new computer-controlled water monitoring and sampling device developed by the National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) has been used for the first time to prosecute a company for polluting a waterway .
17 And I believe it was then , looking on that view , that I began for the first time to adopt a frame of mind appropriate for the journey before me .
18 Then , on 20 June , the Germans for the first time employed a new type of diphosgene gas shell .
19 Although this amounted to little more than a restatement of previously-agreed policies , including the Clean Air Act of 1990 [ see ED no 41/42 ] and the planned phase-out of chlorofluorocarbons , it did for the first time set a tentative target , suggesting that emissions of greenhouse gases in the year 2000 would be " equal to 1987 levels " .
20 It takes about the same time to do a simple drawing on a 2D machine as on a drawing board .
21 at the present time to photocopy a couple of extra ones so Angela can have one
22 So the criminals move freely around the galaxy , pursing their profession , and the FedPol must swallow its frustration and hope one day to be in the right place at the right time to catch a big-time wrong-doer in the act .
23 Once dormant , however , their metabolism slows down so much that the pineal is virtually switched off , and how they manage to rouse themselves at the correct time remains a mystery .
24 He had introduced her to physical passion , and at the same time ignited a fire in his own sensual , earthy Taurean nature that had proved impossible to quench .
25 Siting the Boilerhouse at the V&A ( between 1982 and 1987 ) was a bold attempt to revamp the museum 's image as an old-fashioned and intimidating palace of culture while at the same time implying a continuity or purpose : one of the first Boilerhouse exhibitions was on the subject of ‘ taste ’ , a neat dovetailing of 19th century didactic aims for the museum with the concerns of 1980s ' retailing .
26 In the case of a limited company with a registered office in Scotland carrying on business in England and Wales , service can be effected without leave by post or by delivering the process at the address in England and Wales and at the same time sending a copy of the process to the registered office ( s 725(2) and ( 3 ) of the Companies Act 1985 ) .
27 She was finding it increasingly difficult to sit here , in his home , trying to cope with the spectrum of emotions that chased pell-mell through her from one moment to the next , and at the same time evince a polite interest in Richard 's remarks .
28 This is the idea of a ‘ symptomatic reading ’ of the relevant texts , a reading designed to master the superficial characteristics of Marx 's criticisms of Hegelian idealism and classical economy , and of his own views of political economy and society , and at the same time yield a deeper understanding of his whole project .
29 The CNAA at the same time agreed a ‘ reciprocal transfer ’ of credit with the Open University , and related to , and negotiated with , a variety of other bodies in higher education .
30 The cut may be made with little or no apparent awareness , the patient suddenly discovering that she has cut herself and at the same time experiencing a sense of relief .
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