Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] [noun] rather [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I think we 're actually getting in each other 's way for the right reasons rather than the wrong reasons , like just said and it 's not a question of somebody else trampling on others er cos I 've heard this sporadically for some time .
2 Keener looks for the right sound rather than dictating where microphones should be .
3 GATT officials warned that failure to reach an agreement by October would jeopardise the chances of meeting the deadline of March 1 , 1993 ( extended from March 1991 — see p. 37930 ) , required for US approval of the GATT agreement using the so-called " fast-track " legislation , under which the US Congress would be obliged to vote for the entire package rather than on specific amendments .
4 In the general election of 1983 , 63 per cent of the vote for the Liberal-SDP Alliance was motivated by dislike for the other parties rather than by a positive liking for their own party of choice — still less for their policies .
5 There is an argument for retaining a four mile annulus for the area of search for the new settlement rather than a two mile , because of the rigidity which at present applies to the distance of the outer boundary of the greenbelt from York City Centre .
6 This made the task of the prosecutor somewhat easier , but it had the paradoxical effect that a person who distributed such material with a mischievous intention could argue that the recipients of his material were unlikely to be influenced by it , and he was therefore not guilty if his audience were already corrupt , or were members of an anti-racist organisation , or if the publication or spoken words were so contrary to human decency that they would be likely to provoke sympathy for the intended victim rather than hatred of him .
7 Reading is encouraged across the whole spectrum of nursing literature rather , reflecting in part the principles of holism ; of caring for the whole person rather than being disease or disorder linked .
8 This seems to suggest that the enhancement in performance for the risky junctions as demonstrated by the P(A) scores is because of an increased number of hits for risky exemplars , whereas for the less risky junctions the decrement in performance is attributable to an increase in false alarms for the risky exemplars rather than an increase in hits for the less risky ones .
9 Lord Ross added : ‘ This appears to me to emphasise that there is both importance and difficulty in this action which would make it appropriate for the action to be heard in the Court of Session as the supreme court rather than in the sheriff court .
10 Such explanation as there is tends to rely on ‘ competition ’ as the major factor rather than on the elitism .
11 Since Raymond-Berengar was married to the been of Aragon and ruled that kingdom in his wife 's name , he might have taken the title of king , but refused to do so , saying that it was better to be known as the greatest count rather than the seventh greatest king .
12 The company claims that its system software and hardware is functionally compatible with applications software written for the Macintosh — only some of the most widely used ones have been tested , and the company provides a list of these — but it uses OSF/Motif as the graphical interface rather than a direct copy of the Mac screen .
13 Loans were handled as the National Debt rather than the royal debt and it became possible to raise long-term loans with the authority of Parliament behind them , and even to float loans on terms which meant that the principal would never be repaid but that , because the interest would be paid regularly forever , it would be possible to treat the bond for the debt as an asset which could be bought and sold .
14 This may be also true of studies which have used a series of slides as the arousing stimuli rather than a single one .
15 Increasingly patriarchy , racism and militarism have been named as the main enemy rather than the milder rebukes of the 1970s against red tape , prejudice and sexism .
16 However , the dispute reflects more the growing mistrust between the two sides rather than an argument over visas and numbers .
17 Both of these techniques give information about the solid surface rather than the bulk .
18 I hope that my painting stands beyond the moment ; I want it to be about the human situation rather than a fleeting moment in time or a specific view ’ .
19 For Bernstein , this is to experience the music at second hand ; he wants us to live through the emotional upheaval rather than be merely aware of its implications .
20 Reception this time ; would I care to leave through the underground garage rather than the front doors and so escape the army of press who were filling the lobby ?
21 I think that that can best be done through the constitutional conference rather than by remarks from across many hundreds of miles .
22 They look after the pregnant woman rather than ‘ the pregnancy ’ and are a source of practical and emotional support as well as health care to the woman and her baby .
23 Its principal advantage is that it most accurately reflects changes in the value of the demised property rather than the business efficiency of a particular tenant or inflation generally .
24 Yet while the ultimate decision on your future involves a fair assessment of the industrial realities rather than a precise medical diagnosis , the quotation above shows the importance of seeking a doctor 's prognosis .
25 Senior executives of radio stations are frequently drawn from the ranks of the political élite rather than from the professional corps of broadcasters .
26 In July 1263 the king empowered him , with Richard de Gravesend , bishop of Lincoln , and Henry de Sandwich , bishop of London [ qq.v. ] , to reach a settlement with Simon , but the reimposition of the Provisions of Oxford which resulted reflected the realities of the political situation rather than Roger 's own political stance .
27 Syphilis has long been labelled ‘ the great imitator ’ and there are only a few clues to prod the examining doctor into thinking of the correct diagnosis rather than some other condition .
28 Yet within Whitehall there was a marked reluctance to accept the implications behind such evidence ; officials tended to fall back on the convenient explanation that the ‘ problem evacuees ’ revealed in September 1939 were a product of poor-quality home life among some sections of the working class rather than highly exaggerated cultural differences or poverty .
29 The measure allows such companies in those years to apply their mineral depletion allowances to 50% of the value of the finished products rather than to the lower value of raw clay alone .
30 This work is relevant to the topic of naive physics discussed earlier , for the physical knowledge exploited by the program is comparable to that of the lay person rather than the physicist .
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