Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] [noun] so [conj] " in BNC.

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1 More than anything else it has changed the public lifestyle of Catholicism for the ordinary churchgoer so that it is hard for the young actually to realize that thirty years ago Mass said wholly in Latin , including even a first reading of Epistle and Gospel , was simply taken for granted by most people .
2 So it is bread on both rods , except that I make a paste for the free-line rod so that I am still offering a bait on a weightless rig .
3 They are trained to search for the overall picture so that they can advise on overall financial policy or make an overall judgement on the truth and fairness of the accounts .
4 Ernst Richter was the latest recruit from the academy , having arrived the previous day , and he had been assigned to work with Mauer for the first month so that his temperament and personality could be assessed to ensure that later on he would be paired with the right partner .
5 Dick has a generous amount of time and experience in taildraggers like Staggerwings and T-6s but he wanted Bill Dodds who had broad P-40 for the first time so that he could compare the aircraft with others that he 's flown .
6 I 've always really had to depend on having someone else for the intricate stuff so that I can keep things fairly simple for myself .
7 It is easy to see why : the track is only six lanes wide so that the crowd is closer to the action than usual , and the organizers have the knack of building up the anticipation for the big event so that once it gets under way , emotion bubbles over .
8 Would it not make administrative sense if at least part of this site could be reserved specifically for the British Library so that in any future extension , these units could be incorporated ?
9 For the celebration , soldiers of his Army had been forbidden to shave for the last month so that their faced would more nearly represent those of warriors of old .
10 I now suggest that the new Government should immediately sell the building for the same price so that it can become a seat of learning for talented Scottish children , such as it then produced of every walk of life .
11 When they went out on their own with girls , they tended to fix things for the same evening so as not to spend two nights separated where one would do .
12 They 'll be easing me on as the new presenter so as not to put too much pressure on me .
13 Aware that absolute holists can not live up to their own tenets , they offer a different distinction between the two approaches so that , rather than being seen as strict alternatives , they are held to be complementary .
14 It has been suggested therefore that the monitor panel might be sited on the pillar between the two windows so that it is in the line of vision of staff .
15 Would I have to place a screen between the two tanks so that the fish can not see each other ?
16 The Marshal had seen them as they stood gossiping in the street at an equal distance between the two buildings so as to keep their doors in view , but it would be a waste of time trying to get her to admit it .
17 Not only was the pope desirous of peace in Europe and settlement of the imperial question , but he was also concerned with establishing a truce between the two kings so that a new crusade might be advanced .
18 Very often a sentence contains more than one ambiguous word form ; in such cases , there will occur a kind of mutual negotiation between the various options so as to achieve the most normal combination .
19 2 Record the details of the request and ask for further details about the proposed story so that you can dig out the most useful in-depth material .
20 In the American flickers , close cousins to woodpeckers , the tongue is so long that it extends beyond the eye-socket into the upper beak , entering through the right nostril so that the bird can only breathe through its left .
21 We all go through the bad times so if these Glentoran supporters or any other supporters of other clubs would get behind their team , instead of giving continual stick , perhaps fortunes on the park might change .
22 It is hoped that it will be possible to continue the post after the first appointment so that there can be a series of three year appointments but this will be dependant on a review of the financial position .
23 Most parents graduate to giving one warning after the initial command so that the child has a little time in which to respond but parents need to be very careful that they do n't lapse into nagging to get the child to comply again .
24 The ILP wrote to the Labour party , the TUC and the Co-operative and Communist parties on 13 February 1934 calling for : an immediate consultation between representatives of all sections of the working class so that we may plan common action .
25 At first we thought that the foragers might simply be suffering from some sort of apian hydrophobia , but when we increased the distance of the feeding station so that the dances indicated the far side of the lake , recruits turned up in great numbers .
26 The natural effervescence of Paris can never be suppressed for long , and it had begun to burst forth from the restraint of the early days so that , by mid-1916 , it presented to the war-weary world a facade of miraculous brilliance ; to the men from Verdun it was an Arabian Night Baghdad .
27 Moreover the pace of technological change has increased steadily during the latter half of the twentieth century so that the farm worker in turn has had to become more adaptable to successive new innovations .
28 We further assume that the demand for labour is a function of the real wage so that we can write where n t is the logarithm of the demand for labour or the level of employment at time t t w t is the logarithm of the nominal wage rate at time t t p t is the logarithm of the price level at time t t and α is a positive constant .
29 In addition if ‘ comparative ’ statements are made such as ‘ reduced calorie ’ the pack also gives you information about the calorie content of the standard food so that you can see by how much the calories are reduced .
30 The alternative to this , he suggests , is , " to subdivide and codify the design process incorporating the knowledge of the existing designers so that it is reduced to a sequence of simple choices " .
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