Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] [noun] and [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This seemed a great victory for the undefeated Britons and since those living within the Province also now had cause to hate Rome , this gave them a real hope of a military success .
2 Certainly she presented me with my medal for the 100 metres and as I stood on the plinth she did not bat an eyelid .
3 A Vietnam national army would be rapidly created to assume responsibility for the internal situation and as this progressed French forces would withdraw to border areas or where unnecessary depart .
4 In 1939 , for instance , in an obituary of Ford for The Nineteenth Century and After , he had written of ‘ the stilted language that then passed for ‘ good English ’ in the arthritic milieu that held control of the respected British critical circles , Newbolt , the backwash of Lionel Johnson , Fred Manning , the Quarterlies and the rest of ‘ em ’ .
5 He was obviously destined for the professional ranks and as I watched him I could see why .
6 We are satisfied it will be a valuable asset for the immediate area and that it has considerable support from the community . ’
7 Er and you 'll see that in group two , the impact of the various routes on occupiers , residential occupiers , you 'll see that for the blue route and that this is where we have the number of properties demolished by the different routes , on the top line , er in terms of noise effects adjacent to new road , number of houses within a given distance , a centre line , nought to fifty metres there are are only five properties within nought to fifty metres of the blue route whereas there are thirty on the purple , twenty er on the orange , less on the red , four and five on the pink .
8 Students intending to take a joint degree join either department for the first year and since requirements of two departments must be satisfied , joint degree students normally have a restricted choice of courses in first and second years .
9 When I tell you that , every year , 100,000 people in England and Wales suffer a stroke for the first time and that some of these may be unborn babies or small children , then I am sure that you will want to help .
10 We raised quite a good sum for the first time and that went to the Barnardos home .
11 He claims that about 200,000 people will be brought into the tax net for the first time and that the NI increase will , for the majority , be the equivalent of an increase of a penny on the standard tax rate .
12 It often takes ages for a pair to get down to spawning for the first time and if you were to separate them now it would be extremely difficult to get them back together again .
13 I am enclosing tickets for the new play and as they are in the front stalls , I may see you as I come on , ; but do not expect me to salute you , you understand , as I shall be taken up with my part .
14 It says Morland is paying too much for the new pubs and that it 's ’ the latest in a series of flawed actions by an increasingly desperate board . ’
15 It says Morland is paying too much for the new pubs and that it 's ’ the latest in a series of flawed actions by an increasingly desperate board . ’
16 The housekeeping departments has to ensure that all rooms are prepared for the new arrivals and when a room is vacated the chambermaids have to change the linen and clean the room ready for the next letting .
17 The Institute of Investment Management and Research ( IIMR , formerly the Society of Investment Analysts ) has set up a sub-committee under my chairmanship to decide on the calculation of an earnings figure which can be used for the per-share calculation and for price/earnings ratios .
18 So the choreographer can not make strong contrasts between the style usually used for the other-worldly spirits and that used for the characters living in the particular setting .
19 Thank you Chairman erm I do n't I need to say a great deal because the comments that have been made I think are very thoroughly and expertly covered most of the ground in terms of the the issues that are being raised and can I say that although er a number of Chief Officers , a number of departments and I suspect a number of committees will be looking at what has happened and er seeking in both to find out why it has happened and what might be done in the future erm I certainly recognize that it 's er a role responsibility of this committee and of er me and the Planning Department to consider the implications for strategic planning and for the related functions and that erm it wo n't be a , a , a happy task because er purely it 's something that all of us would have hoped had n't happened at all but I will er very er thoroughly er explore the issues and report it back .
20 That is a valid view , but we believe that the internal market is likely to exist for the foreseeable future and that we should try to make it work as well as possible .
21 People are not keen to complain about food in hospital because they are grateful for the medical attention and because the majority of patients are not there for long .
22 He said that our grandfathers fought for the Holy Land and that we must stick to the Holy Land .
23 He has now finished sparring for the big fight and when he 's not out running he spends most of his spare time with his birds .
24 However , as EC businesses restructure themselves in preparation for the single market and as previously protected industrial sectors are open to competition for the first time , takeover activity is one means by which new corporate entities can be created and structured on a pan-European basis .
25 On the evening of 6 February Ministry of Information landrovers toured Ajdabiya announcing the ward committee elections for the next day and that Ajdabiyans were to elect the popular committees on the day after .
26 It 's a wonderful place for the adventurous walker and as the moor is criss-crossed with bridleways it 's ideal for horse riders and mountain bikers .
27 The first are planned for the Royal Brompton and if these look promising the treatment could soon be tested further in Edinburgh and then around the world . ’
28 The race is also being used by Poland , Mexico , Norway and Denmark as their trials for the Olympic Games and though the field is not so strong at the front , it looks to be a proving ground for the visitors , in an effort to beat times already set by their countrymen to enable them to go to Barcelona .
29 Nor do they know why for many years , almost to this day , footprints were to be found in a field near to the earthworks of the castle where a famous duel was said to have been fought between two brothers during the Civil War and where no seed would grow .
30 The beliefs which , he suggests , play this special role for us now include the belief that I have two hands , that men do not fly to the moon , that the sun is not a hole in the sky , that the earth has existed during the last century and that our hands do not disappear when we are not paying attention to them .
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