Example sentences of "[prep] which it [be] [vb pp] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Under proposed University legislation , new graduates will automatically become members of the Graduates Association on receipt of their degrees , after which it is hoped that many will endeavour to create and foster the right conditions to make it attractive for graduates to want to belong and help make their membership worthwhile and rewarding .
2 This was discussed at length with Janet , after which it was agreed that the therapist would see her for the next 2 months at fortnightly intervals and that no more than one telephone call per week would be acceptable .
3 The MNR reportedly agreed to Malawi as a venue in early June , after which it was suggested that talks would begin imminently .
4 Recently , the Auditing Practices Board ( APB ) suggested in the preface to its Exposure Draft , Going Concern , that ‘ … one year is normally the period during which it is expected that the financial statements can reasonably be relied upon ’ .
5 There then followed a frenzied round of negotiations during which it was believed that the Renamo leader was encouraged to sign the accord by the South African government and by Roland " Tiny " Rowland , the chief executive of the UK-based multinational Lonrho who had played a key role in the negotiations process [ see p. 39039 ] .
6 A public inquiry was held in January , during which it was revealed that there could be as many as five roundabouts within half a mile in future .
7 Since the mental element required for the commission of the the offences of organisation and participation is knowledge which the courts increasingly interpret to require an awareness of all the circumstances by virtue of which it is said that an offence is committed , it may well be sensible police practice to issue a warning before arresting and prosecuting with an offence under this Part of the Act .
8 Managing director Albero Sandoval places the potential market at 100,000 users , predicting that this will rise to 600,000 subscribers over the next 10 years , of which it is hoped that some 300,000 will use Sistelcom 's system .
9 Delegates voted on the nominations in a secret ballot on the morning of July 13 , as a result of which it was announced that every candidate had won an absolute majority of votes .
10 For the west front of the church he made a pair of decorated bronze doors , of which it was judged that ‘ as he surpassed all others in other works , in this work he wonderfully surpassed himself . ’
11 Another is the ease with which it is assumed that in actual democratic politics it should be the majority in each nation-state which has the right to decide on all issues .
12 Also , as it so happens , in August 1941 Winston Churchill had a meeting with President Roosevelt on board a British battleship , off the coast of Newfoundland , and that was followed by a further meeting at Christmas in Washington , when they agreed to send aid to Russia in the form of armaments , etc. , also they drew up the Atlantic Charter under which it was proclaimed that all peoples , in all parts of the world , would have the right to choose their own form of government .
13 However it is not the distance , but the conditions under which it was achieved that set this dive apart .
14 The government and the rebel Mozambique National Resistance ( MNR or Renamo ) signed a protocol on party law on Nov. 13 under which it was agreed that the MNR would start functioning as a political party immediately after the signing of a general peace accord .
15 A nuclear co-operation agreement was signed under which it was reported that China would supply a 300-MW nuclear reactor .
16 By contrast , the Corinthians passage in which Paul speaks of male headship , and in which it is said that women should be silent ( a verse which is probably an interpolation and does not owe to Paul ) , he is concerned with a practical situation which has arisen , a situation in which the church , still insecure in a pagan world , was likely to cause scandal if it departed too far from social convention — and his concern is that it should not unnecessarily put itself in jeopardy .
17 Even if we take patristic Christology , in which it is said that God in Christ took on humanity in which we all participate , it is still the case that that human nature was the human nature of a male human being .
18 It is in fact no more ‘ theoreticist ’ than the basic liberal idea of culture , in which It is presumed that the universal source of cultural production is ‘ individual expression ’ , so that to study the social relations of cultural activity is to describe the conditions which bear on this norm , permitting or preventing its ‘ free exercise ’ .
19 By embracing the evidence from the ‘ effectiveness of schools ’ research and adopting a whole-school approach to special educational needs , we can create a truly comprehensive service of education in which it is accepted that ALL teachers have responsibility to meet the needs of ALL children .
20 This pivotal role is much more obvious in matriarchical societies in which it is accepted that the mother or grandmother must make the final decision about such expenditures .
21 For it is that history , and that revelation , in which it is believed that God has made Himself known .
22 This highlights the third qualification : the liberal-democratic type of government is one in which it is denied that there is any objective science of sociely or of morals .
23 Suppose we have a linear substitution Ax = y in which it is required that y be a scalar multiple of x , say x .
24 said : ‘ This court has on numerous occasions held that the effect of Ord. 29 , r. 1(5) of the County Court Rules 1981 is that the contemnor must be personally served with a properly drafted notice which recites in clear and unambiguous detail the following : ( 1 ) the order of the court or undertaking given to the court in respect of which he has been found in breach ; ( 2 ) the respects in which it is alleged that he has been in breach ; ( 3 ) the findings of the judge as to the alleged breaches ; ( 4 ) the period of committal to which he has been sentenced and ( 5 ) that he may apply to the court to purge his contempt and seek his release .
25 The particulars of claim must contain information as to the circumstances in which it is alleged that the liability of the Crown has arisen and as to the government departments and officers of the Crown concerned ( Ord 42 , r 4 ) .
26 C , in which it is shown that the introduction of continuous compounding leads to more complicated no-arbitrage conditions than otherwise .
27 This is not the only case in which it is known that the egg contains a special localized material which causes cells containing it to follow a particular path of differentiation .
28 There are a large number of situations in which it is expected that professional judgement will have a considerable influence upon the implementation process .
29 Although ED 65 does not give detailed guidance on the circumstances in which it is considered that the measure of comprehensive income is incomplete , the discussion paper on ED 65 acknowledges that , under the modified historical cost system , the proposed SCFW may not give a complete reflection of the real change in financial wealth .
30 The views of centres are therefore being sought on the year in which it is considered that candidates could be enrolled on new-style courses , for those courses which are not the subject of national development of units .
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